Exports drawing views.

Exports drawing views generated by the VIEWBASE , VIEWSECTION or VIEWDETAIL commands to the model space of the current drawing, via the Clipboard to a new drawing or as a DWG/DXF file on disc.
Click inside one or more viewports or select All views and choose the destination of the views (see options).Options within the command
- Clipboard
- Exports the selected view(s) to the clipboard, which can then be pasted into any drawing.
- File
- Exports the selected views to a DWG or DXF file; displays the Save Exported Views dialog box.
- Model space
Exports the view to the current drawing's model space.
Note: Specify if remove exported views:- Yes - the viewports of exported views are removed from the layout.
- No - viewports of exported views are kept in the layout.