Add button item dialog box
The Add button item dialog box allows you to add a button item by selecting an available tool or by creating a new tool.

- Select available tool
- Create new tool
- Toolbox
- Title
- Help
- Command
- Image
- Available tools
Select available tool
Assigns an existing command to the new button or button group. If this option is selected, the other options are grayed out, except for Available tools.
Create new tool
Assigns a new command/macro to the new button or button group. If this option is selected, Available tools is grayed out.
Specifies the toolbox to which to add the new command. You can choose a toolbox in the drop-down list.
Specifies the name of the new tool.
Specifies the help string displayed on the status bar.
Specifies the command(s) or macros.
Specifies the image to display for the new tool. The browse icon opens the Tool Image dialog box. There are five options to select an image.
Available tools
Selects an existing tool.