Add Property dialog box
The Add Property dialog box allows you to add properties to text contents for label styles.
- Use property from other objects
- Object type
- Object name
- Select property
Use property from other objects
Toggle this option if you want to add properties from other Civil objects to this Label Style.
Object type
Select the object type from which you want to select the property. Properties can be added from Civil Points, Surfaces, Horizontal Alignments, or Vertical Alignments.
Object name
Displays the object name.
Select property
Select the property you wish to include in the Label Style. It is possible to include the following attributes:
From Civil Point:
Point Easting
Point Northing
Point Elevation
Point Full Description
Point Number
*User-defined attribute for Civil Point*
From Surface:
Surface Elevation
Surface Northing
Surface Easting
Surface Grid Northing
Surface Grid Easting
Surface Latitude
Surface Longitude
Surface Slope
Surface Slope Distance
Surface Slope Horizontal Distance
Surface Slope Depth
Surface Elevation First Point
Surface Elevation Seconds Point
From Horizontal Alignment:
Alignment Station Value
Alignment Offset Value
From Vertical Alignment: