Manage Surface File Formats dialog box

The Manage Surface File Formats dialog box allows you to add a new point file format or to edit an existing one. Opens via the Create Surface From Point File dialog box.

  1. Select point file format
  2. Add point file format
  3. Duplicate point file format
  4. Remove a point file format
  5. Name
  6. File extension
  7. Delimiter
  8. Comment Tag
  9. Column editor
  10. Add column
  11. Edit

Select point file format

Selects a point file format from the list. Some predefined point file formats are available. Their names indicate the coordinates (columns) order and the delimiter. For example, ENZ (comma delimited) is a point file format with Easting, Northing and Elevation coordinates with a comma delimiter.

Add point file format

Defines a new point file format by specifying comment tag, specifying point attributes by columns (which columns contain which point attribute in the point file).

Note: The newly created point file format will be preselected in the Create Surface from Point file dialog box.

Duplicate point file format

Creates a new point file format with the same settings as the selected one.

Remove a point file format

Removes a point file format from the list.


Displays the point file format name. Click the field to edit it.

File extension

Displays the file extension. Click the field to edit it.


Sets a character for the column delimiter for the point file from the drop-down list.

Comment Tag

Enables or disables the comment tag.

Column editor

Displays the columns. You can change the columns order by moving it to the new location.

Add column

Opens Column Editor dialog box to add or to remove a column.

Selects a column name from the drop-down list.

You can add a <skip> column or set an existing column as <skip>, in order to create compatibility between two point format files.


Opens the Column Editor dialog box to edit a column name.