What files are automatically loaded by BricsCAD?
- Files loaded at startup
- bricscad.rx: file that comes with the program. The filenames in it are loaded on startup.
- on_start_default.lsp: lispfile that comes with the program
- on_start.lsp: userdefined lisp file
- default.dvb: this file is created automatically but by default it does nothing.
- Files loaded when a drawing is loaded
- on_doc_load.lsp: userdefined lisp file
- on_doc_load_default.lsp: lispfile that comes with the program
- Files loaded when the default menu is loaded
- default.mnl: lisp file
Additional MNL files that are loaded when a third-party menu of the same name is loaded.
- Binary modules
- At the time of writing, these are:
- odspatialreference_24.9_16.tx
- odgeodata_24.9_16.tx
- acgeolocationobj_24.9_16.tx
- oddbgeomappe_24.9_16.tx
- odbrepmodeler_24.9_16.dll
- spamodeler_24.9_16.tx
- plotstyleservices_24.9_16.tx
- acdbpointcloudobj_24.9_16.tx
- pointcloud_db.tx
- pointcloud_qtui.tx
- pointcloud_ui.tx
- lgsconstraints_24.9_16.tx
- tdx_spa.tx
- acmodeldocobj_24.9_16.tx
- td_dbjoinentitype_24.9_16.tx
- exfieldevaluator_24.9_16.tx
- td_tf_24.9_16.tx
- dbcryptmodule_24.9_16.tx
- bdm_db.tx
- mx.tx
- mx_ui.tx
- mx_cmd.tx
- bdm_module.tx
- bmdb.tx
- drawing_view_db.tx
- bmxhdw.tx
- bm_core.tx
- bm_qtui.tx
- bmui.tx
- sm_proc.tx
- sm_ui.tx
- sm_osm.tx
- bmext.tx
- bmcomm.tx
- civil_db.tx
- civil_qtui.tx
- civil_ui.tx
- bsyslib_db.tx
- bim_db.tx
- td_tfcore_24.9_16.tx
- tb_base_24.9_16.tx
- tb_geometry_24.9_16.tx
- tb_geometryutils_24.9_16.tx
- tb_database_24.9_16.tx
- tb_essential_24.9_16.tx
- tb_hostobj_24.9_16.tx
- tb_family_24.9_16.tx
- tb_numberingschema_24.9_16.tx
- tb_mep_24.9_16.tx
- tb_analytical_24.9_16.tx
- tb_architecture_24.9_16.tx
- tb_structural_24.9_16.tx
- tb_dpart_24.9_16.tx
- tb_roomareaplan_24.9_16.tx
- tb_stairsramp_24.9_16.tx
- tb_rebar_24.9_16.tx
- tb_main_24.9_16.tx
- tb_loaderbase_24.9_16.tx
- tb_loader_24.9_16.tx
- tb_exlabelutils_24.9_16.tx
- bim_rvt.tx
- bim_qtui.tx
- bim_ui.tx
- bgc_ui.dll
- mu_cmd.tx
- mu_qtui.tx
- td_sm_24.9_16.tx
- lispex.dll
- recomputedimblock_24.9_16.tx
- td_ave_24.9_16.tx