Why are my customizations lost after the update?
After updating to a newer version of BricsCAD, my customization of the toolbars and menu are lost.
In a new version of BricsCAD there are often newer versions of the default CUI files (classic-ribbon.cui, classic-toolbars.cui, and modern.cui) or default.pgp, because of new features added or enhancements made in the user interface.
When you have made changes to your copy of one of default CUI file (customizations to toolbars, menus, keyboard accelerators), you must choose to either keep your version and miss the changes in the new version or overwrite your changes with the newer version.
If you store your customizations in a partial CUI file, you can choose to overwrite the default CUI file (for example, classic-ribbon.cui) with the newer version after an update, and all you must do then is reload the partial CUI file once (the reference to your partial CUI file is stored in the main CUI file, for example, classic-ribbon.cui).
In any case if you made customizations to menus, toolbars, accelerators, aliases, etc. it is recommended to keep a copy of the default CUI files (for example, classic-ribbon.cui) and default.pgp before doing an update.
- The approach of making your custom CUI file the main CUI file and attach classic-ribbon.cui to it as a partial CUI file no longer works.
- The partial menu is intended to contain customization. In the current implementation the partial menu takes precedence over the main menu. The obvious choice now is to use one of the default CUI file, for example, classic-ribbon.cui, as the main menu file, with one's customized file a partial CUI attached to it; and then to re-attach the partial menu after each update.