Calculator panel

To open the Calculator panel, run the QUICKCALC command or right-click a ribbon panel/toolbar and choose Calculator from the Panels list.

The Calculator panel provides a way to perform calculation inside BricsCAD. It has geometric functions, unit conversions, variables, and the basic features of a scientific calculator.

  1. Get coordinates
  2. Distance between two points
  3. Angle of line defined by two points
  4. Intersection of two lines defined by four points
  5. Clear history
  6. History panel
  7. Input area
  8. Paste value to command line
  9. Scientific
  10. Units conversion
  11. Variables

Get coordinates

Retrieves coordinates of a picked point.

Distance between two points

Retrieves the distance between two picked points.

Angle of line defined by two points

Retrieves the angle of line defined by two picked points.

Intersection of two lines defined by four points

Retrieves the coordinates of the intersection of two lines defined by four picked points.

Clear history

Clears the history panel.

History panel

Displays all calculations.

Input area

Displays the calculations input and the retrieved geometrical functions.

Paste value to command line

Copies the value from the input area and pastes it to the Command line.


Displays the scientific calculator functions.

Units conversion

Performs units conversions. You can choose from the drop-down lists the parameters.

  1. Return conversion to input area
Return conversion to input area
Copies the converted value and pastes it to the input area.


Supports variables that can either be constants (coordinates/vectors, real numbers, and integers) or functions.

  1. New variable
  2. Edit variable
  3. Delete
  4. Return variable to input area
New variable...
Opens the Variable definition dialog box that allows you to define a new variable.
Note: User variables are stored in the calvar.xml file. The default folder for this file is C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\BricsCAD\V25x64\en_US\Support
Edit variable...
Edits the selected variable.
Removes the selected variable.
Return variable to input area
Copies the variable and pastes it to the input area.
Note: Double-click a variable to retrieve it to the input area.

Right-click a variable or a category to display a context menu with additional options:

New Category...
Opens the Category definition dialog box that allows you to define a new category.

Custom functions that can be used in Calculator expression

Obtains a point by cursor. The cur function sets the value of the LASTPOINT system variable.


  • cur()
  • cur+2*[3,4]
end, mid, cen, nod, qua, ins, per, nea
These snap modes are used as parts of arithmetic expressions. BricsCAD prompts you to select an entity and returns the coordinate of the appropriate snap point. Snap modes set the value of the LASTPOINT system variable.


  • (end+mid)/2
Obtains the distance between two points.


  • dist(cur,end)
Obtains the vector from two points.


  • vec(end,mid)
Obtains the unit vector from two points.


  • vec1(cen,end)
Obtains the distance between two points. It is a shortcut for "dist(end,end)".


  • dee
  • dee()
Obtains the intersection of two lines defined by four endpoints.


  • ill(end,end,cen,mid
It is a shortcut for "ill(ene,end,ene,end)".


  • ille
  • ille()
Obtains the midpoint between two endpoints. It is a shortcut for "(end+end)/2".


  • mee
  • mee()
Obtains the radius of a selected circle, arc, or polyline arc.


  • rad
  • rad()
nor - without arguments
Obtains the unit normal vector of the selected object in UCS. Only a circle, arc, or polyline is accepted.


  • nor
  • nor()
nor - with one argument
Obtains the unit normal to a 2D vector. The argument is treated as a 2D vector.


  • nor(cur)
  • nor([1,1])
nor - with two arguments
Obtains the unit normal vector to two 2D endpoints. The Z-coordinate of the points is simply ignored.


  • nor(cur,cur)
nor - with three arguments
Obtains the unit normal vector by three 3D points.


  • nor(cur,cur,cur)
It is a shortcut for "nor(end,end)".
It is a shortcut for "vec(end,end)".
It is a shortcut for "vec1(end,end)".
Returns the value of the BricsCAD system variables. Only real, integer or point system variables accepted as argument.


  • getvar(UCSXDIR)
  • getvar(textsize)