How to increase print quality?
The print quality looks poor.
The print quality is affected by the visual style of the viewport.
- For optimal results, use the 2dWireframe visual style. When a rendered visual style is applied to the viewport, the print quality decreases.
When printing 2D plans, set the viewport’s Visual style property to 2dWireframe and the Shade plot property to As displayed.
If you have a 3D model in a viewport and want to use a rendered visual style, apply the rendered visual style only to that specific viewport.
Tip: For optimal performance, set all viewports to 2dWireframe and apply the Shade plot property only to the desired viewport that requires a rendered visual style for printing. - When printing to the Print As PDF.pc3 printer, disable the JPEG image compression option. To do that:
- Open the Print/Page Setup dialog box and select the Print As PDF.pc3 (1) as Printer / Plotter configuration.
- Click the Edit plotter configuration button (2) to open the Plotter Configuration Editor dialog box.
- Go to the Settings tab (3), select the Custom Properties option (4) and click the Custom Properties... button (5) to open the Print As PDF - Custom Properties dialog box.
- In the Print As PDF - Custom Properties dialog box, disable the JPEG image compression option (6) and click OK.
Note: The JPEG image compression option applies to all included raster images in the PDF, both raster images and rendered views. It applies a JPEG compression to these images to reduce the PDF file size. The JPEG compression is lossy compared to the raw bitmap introducing small imperfections. When switched Off, the images are embedded as raw bitmaps. - Open the Print/Page Setup dialog box and select the Print As PDF.pc3 (1) as Printer / Plotter configuration.
- To further improve your print quality, you can increase the vector DPI for 2D wireframe prints or the image DPI for rendered visual style prints.Note: These settings have a significant impact on the PDF output size.