DMSTITCH command

Converts a set of region and surface entities that bound a watertight area to a 3d solid.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Select the surfaces to stitch and convert them in a 3D solids or surfaces.

Options within the command

Allows to set the validation mode either manual or automatic.
Creates only valid 3d solid or surface entities without free or non-manifold edges.
Creates invalid 3d solid entities.
Creates invalid surfaces.
Note: Creating an invalid 3d solid entities could be useful for understanding the reason of a failure. The command reports problems (free or non-manifold edges) and highlights them. You can either accept the invalid 3d solid by pressing Enter or refuse it by pressing Cancel.
Type a value or accept Auto.
Note: The selected validation mode is stored and re-used for future calls of the command.