EXPLORER command
Opens the Drawing explorer dialog box.

Opens the Drawing explorer dialog box on the last used tab or category to manage definitions and reference content that is used in the drawing.
Note: Press F1 to access help. To close, Press X.

Options within the menu bar
- View
- Check boxes
- Toggles the visibility of specific items in the Drawing Explorer dialog box on and off.
- Tree/Icons Details
- Selects a visual style to list all definitions of the selected drawing.
- Regen
- Regenerates all definitions.
- Regen at each change
- Regenerates definitions each time a change has been made.
- Hide xref symbols
- Toggles the visibility of xref symbols on and off.
- Settings
- Restore default layout
- Restores the modified layout of the Drawing explorer to the default layout.
- Options
- Displays the Drawing explorer options dialog box. Options regarding inserting a block can be defined.
- Columns
Columns can be switched on and off and repositioned by drag-and-drop:
- Move: drag it by its header to a new location.
- Change width: drag the separator line back and forth.
- Restore width: double-click the separator line.
- Show all columns
- Displays all columns including the ones that were hidden before.
- Restore Column positions
- Returns columns to their original position.
Context Menu Options
- New
- Creates a new item with a generic name, such as NewLayer1 or NewStyle1.
- Delete
- Deletes the selected item from the drawing. When the selected item is in use, for example a layer with entities, several options may be available.
- Delete
- Deletes the selected layer and all entities on it.
- Change
- Changes the characteristic of all entities on the item to delete to another characteristic item. Afterward, the item will be deleted.
- Cancel
Cancels the deleting operation so that no changes are made.
Note: Some automatically generated definitions cannot be deleted.
- Cut
- Cuts the selected item to the clipboard.
- Copy
Copies the selected item to the clipboard.
Note: The options Cut and Copy can only be used when additional items were already made and cannot be used on automatically generated items.
- Paste
- Pastes the copied item from the clipboard. When the same name item already exists, several options may be available:
- Purge
- Removes unused named entities from drawings, such as unused layers and linetypes.
- Copy and replace
- Replaces the original item in the current drawing with the item that is being copied.
- Don’t copy
- The item will not be pasted in the current drawing.
- Copy, but keep both
- The item will be pasted into the drawing with a new name ‘NAME’1.
- Cancel
Cancels the Paste operation.
Note: This option cannot be used before cutting or copying an item.
- Rename
Renames the item.
Note: Some automatically generated definitions cannot be renamed.
- Select All
- Selects all items.
- Invert selection
- Deselects the current selection and vice versa.
- Set current
- Sets the selected item as current.