UCSICON command

Controls the display of the UCS icon.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


The UCS icon is displayed differently, depending on the visual style and workspace.

The colors denote the directions of the axes. It can be controlled by the COLORX, COLORY, COLORZ system variables.

Options within the command

display in All views
Applies the changes to all viewports.
display at ORigin
When the origin is outside of the viewport, the UCS icon is displayed at the corner defined by the UCSICONPOS system variable.
display in Corner
Displays the UCS icon in the viewport corner defined by the UCSICONPOS system variable.
Note: The values for UCSICONPOS system variable are displayed in the Settings dialog box.