ZOOM command
Visually changes the size of the drawing within the current viewport.

Alias: Z
You can change the magnification of your drawing at any time by zooming.
Options within the command
- In
- Zooms in by 50%. It is equivalent to Zoom 2.
- Out
- Zooms out by 50%. It is equivalent to Zoom 0.5.
- All
- Displays the entire drawing.
- Center
- Zooms in or out about a specified center point.
- Dynamic
- Pans and zooms using a rectangular box which represents the viewport. This option first executes a zoom extents or zoom limits to show the original size of the viewport as a dashed rectangle.
- Extents
- Displays the drawing to the extents of entities.
- Left
- Zooms in or out with the lower left corner specified by a point.
- Previous
- Displays the previous view, whether set by the Zoom, Pan, or View commands.
- Right
- Zooms in or out with the upper right corner specified by a point.
- Scale
- Specifies the absolute zoom scale factor.
- nx
- Specifies the zoom factor relative to the current zoom. For example, 2x makes the current view twice as large.
- Nxp
- Specifies the zoom factor in paper space relative to model space. For example, 2xp makes the model space view twice as large as the surrounding paper space.
- Window
- Zooms in to a rectangular area.
- Object
- Zooms in on a single entity or a selection set.