Reprise error codes

General Licensing Errors:

Stato Valore Significato
RLM_EH_NOHANDLE -101 No handle supplied to call.
RLM_EH_READ_NOLICENSE -102 Can’t read license data.
RLM_EH_NET_INIT -103 Network (msg_init()) error.
RLM_EH_NET_WERR -104 Error writing to network.
RLM_EH_NET_RERR -105 Error reading from network.
RLM_EH_NET_BADRESP -106 Unexpected response.
RLM_EH_BADHELLO -107 HELLO message for wrong server.
RLM_EH_BADPRIVKEY -108 Error in private key.
RLM_EH_SIGERROR -109 Error signing authorization.
RLM_EH_INTERNAL -110 Internal error.
RLM_EH_CONN_REFUSED -111 Connection refused at server (this can also happen if you have a bad TCP/IP address in your local database).
RLM_EH_NOSERVER -112 No server to connect to.
RLM_EH_BADHANDSHAKE -113 Bad communications handshake.
RLM_EH_CANTGETETHER -114 Can’t get ethernet address.
RLM_EH_MALLOC -115 malloc() error.
RLM_EH_BIND -116 bind() error.
RLM_EH_SOCKET -117 socket() error.
RLM_EH_BADPUBKEY -118 Error in public key.
RLM_EH_AUTHFAIL -119 Authentication failed.
RLM_EH_WRITE_LF -120 Can’t write new license file.
RLM_EH_DUP_ISV_HID -122 ISV-defined hostid already registered.
RLM_EH_BADPARAM -123 Bad parameter passed to RLM function.
RLM_EH_ROAMWRITEERR -124 Roam File write error.
RLM_EH_ROAMREADERR -125 Roam File read error.
RLM_EH_HANDLER_INSTALLED -126 Heartbeat handler already installed.
RLM_EH_CANTCREATELOCK -127 Can’t create ‘single’ lockfile.
RLM_EH_CANTOPENLOCK -128 Can’t open ‘single’ lockfile.
RLM_EH_CANTSETLOCK -129 Can’t set lock for ‘single’.
RLM_EH_BADRLMLIC -130 Bad/missing/expired RLM license.
RLM_EH_BADHOST -131 Bad hostname in license file or port@host.
RLM_EH_CANTCONNECTURL -132 Can’t connect to specified URL (activation).
RLM_EH_OP_NOT_ALLOWED -133 Operation not allowed on server. The status, reread, shutdown, or remove command has been disabled for this user.
RLM_EH_ACT_BADSTAT -134 Bad status return from Activation server.
RLM_EH_ACT_BADLICKEY -135 Activation server built with incorrect license key.
RLM_EH_ACT_BAD_HTTP -136 Error in HTTP transaction with Activation server.
RLM_EH_DEMOEXISTS -137 Demo already created on this system.
RLM_EH_DEMOWRITEERR -138 Demo install file write error.
RLM_EH_NO_DEMO_LIC -139 No “rlm_demo” license available.
RLM_EH_NO_RLM_PLATFORM -140 RLM is unlicensed on this platform.
RLM_EH_EVAL_EXPIRED -141 The RLM evaluation license compiled into this binary has expired.
RLM_EH_SERVER_REJECT -142 Server rejected (too old).
RLM_EH_UNLICENSED -143 Unlicensed RLM option.
RLM_EH_SEMAPHORE_FAILURE -144 Semaphore initialization failure.
RLM_EH_ACT_OLDSERVER -145 Activation server too old (doesn’t support encryption).
RLM_EH_BAD_LIC_LINE -146 Invalid license line in LF.
RLM_EH_BAD_SERVER_HOSTID -147 Invalid hostid on SERVER line.
RLM_EH_NO_REHOST_TOP_DIR -148 No rehostable hostid top-level dir.
RLM_EH_CANT_GET_REHOST -149 Cannot get rehostable hostid.
RLM_EH_CANT_DEL_REHOST -150 Cannot delete rehostable hostid.
RLM_EH_CANT_CREATE_REHOST -151 Cannot create rehostable hostid.
RLM_EH_REHOST_TOP_DIR_EXISTS -152 Rehostable top directory exists.
RLM_EH_REHOST_EXISTS -153 Rehostable hostid exists.
RLM_EH_NO_FULFILLMENTS -154 No fulfillments to revoke.
RLM_EH_METER_READERR -155 Meter read error.
RLM_EH_METER_WRITEERR -156 Meter write error.
RLM_EH_METER_BADINCREMENT -157 Bad meter increment command.
RLM_EH_METER_NO_COUNTER -158 Can’t find counter in meter.
RLM_EH_ACT_UNLICENSED -159 Activation Unlicensed.
RLM_EH_ACTPRO_UNLICENSED -160 Activation Pro Unlicensed.
RLM_EH_SERVER_REQUIRED -161 Counted license requires server.
RLM_EH_DATE_REQUIRED -162 REPLACE license requires date.
RLM_EH_NO_CLIENT -164 Disconnected client data can’t be found.
RLM_EH_NO_DISCONN -165 Operation not allowed on disconnected handle.
RLM_EH_NO_FILES -166 Too many open files.
RLM_EH_NO_BROADCAST_RESP -167 No response to broadcast message.
RLM_EH_NO_BROADCAST_HOST -168 Broadcast response didn’t include hostname.
RLM_EH_SERVER_TOO_OLD -169 Server too old for disconnected operations.
RLM_EH_BADLIC_FROM_SERVER -170 License from server doesn’t authenticate.
RLM_EH_NO_LIC_FROM_SERVER -171 No License returned from server.
RLM_EH_CACHEWRITEERR -172 Client Cache File write error.
RLM_EH_CACHEREADERR -173 Client Cache File read error.
RLM_EH_LIC_WITH_NEW_KEYWORDS -174 License returned from server has keywords I don’t understand.
RLM_EH_NO_ISV -175 Unknown ISV name.
RLM_EH_NO_CUSTOMER -176 Unknown Customer name.
RLM_EH_NO_SQL -177 Cannot open MySQL database (RLM Cloud only).
RLM_EH_ONLY_LOCAL_CMDS -178 Only local command-line commands allowed.
RLM_EH_SERVER_TIMEOUT -179 Server timeout on read.
RLM_EH_NONE_SIGNED -180 rlmsign did not sign any licenses (warning).
RLM_EH_DUP_XFER -181 Duplicate disconnected transfer.
RLM_EH_BADLOGIN -182 Bad/No login credentials to server.
RLM_EH_WS_NOSUPP -183 Function not supported with web services.
RLM_EH_NOFUNC -184 Function not available.
RLM_EH_TOOMUCHJSON -185 JSON reply too big.
RLM_EH_NOLICFROMSERV -186 Server returned no temp license.
RLM_EH_TEMPFROMCLOUD -187 Temporary licenses come from RLM Cloud servers only.
RLM_EH_NOTTEMP -188 License is not a temporary license.
RLM_EH_NOLICENSE -189 No license supplied to call.
RLM_EH_NOTEMPFROMLOCAL -190 Local license can’t be converted to temp license.
RLM_EH_NOHTTPSSUPPORT -191 ActPro HTTPS support not available.
RLM_EH_NOHTTPSDATA -192 No returned data from HTTPS.
RLM_EH_NOTRANSBIN -194 Translated binaries not supported (mac).

Internet Activation Errors:

Stato Valore Significato
RLM_ACT_BADPARAM -1001 Unused – RLM_EH_BADPARAM returned instead.
RLM_ACT_NO_KEY -1002 No activation key supplied.
RLM_ACT_NO_PROD -1003 No product definition exists.
RLM_ACT_CANT_WRITE_KEYS -1004 Can’t write keyf table.
RLM_ACT_KEY_USED -1005 Activation key already used.
RLM_ACT_BAD_HOSTID -1006 Missing hostid.
RLM_ACT_BAD_HOSTID_TYPE -1007 Invalid hostid type.
RLM_ACT_BAD_HTTP -1008 Bad HTTP transaction. Note: unused after v3.0BL4.
RLM_ACT_CANTLOCK -1009 Can’t lock activation database.
RLM_ACT_CANTREAD_DB -1010 Can’t read activation database.
RLM_ACT_CANT_WRITE_FULFILL -1011 Can’t write licf table.
RLM_ACT_CLIENT_TIME_BAD -1012 Clock bad on client system (not within 7 days of server).
RLM_ACT_BAD_REDIRECT -1013 Can’t write licf table.
RLM_ACT_TOOMANY_HOSTID_CHANGES -1014 Too many hostid changes for refresh-type activation.
RLM_ACT_BLACKLISTED -1015 Domain on blacklist for activation.
RLM_ACT_NOT_WHITELISTED -1016 Domain not on activation key whitelist.
RLM_ACT_KEY_EXPIRED -1017 Activation key expired.
RLM_ACT_NO_PERMISSION -1018 HTTP request denied (this is a setup problem).
RLM_ACT_SERVER_ERROR -1019 HTTP internal server error (usually a setup problem).
RLM_ACT_BAD_GENERATOR -1020 Bad/missing generator file (ActPro).
RLM_ACT_NO_KEY_MATCH -1021 No matching activation key in database.
RLM_ACT_NO_AUTH_SUPPLIED -1022 No proxy authorization supplied.
RLM_ACT_PROXY_AUTH_FAILED -1023 Proxy authentication failed.
RLM_ACT_NO_BASIC_AUTH -1024 No basic authentication supported by proxy.
RLM_ACT_GEN_UNLICENSED -1025 Activation generator unlicensed (ISV_mklic).
RLM_ACT_DB_READERR -1026 Activation database read error (ActPro).
RLM_ACT_GEN_PARAM_ERR -1027 Generating license - bad parameter.
RLM_ACT_UNSUPPORTED_CMD -1028 Unsupported command to license generator.
RLM_ACT_REVOKE_TOOLATE -1029 Revoke command after expiration.
RLM_ACT_KEY_DISABLED -1030 Activation key disabled.
RLM_ACT_KEY_NO_HOSTID -1031 Key not fulfilled on this hostid.
RLM_ACT_KEY_HOSTID_REVOKED -1032 Key revoked on this hostid.
RLM_ACT_NO_FULFILLMENTS -1033 No fulfillments to remove.
RLM_ACT_LICENSE_TOOBIG -1034 Generated license too long.
RLM_ACT_NO_REHOST -1035 Counted licenses can’t be rehostable.
RLM_ACT_BAD_URL -1036 License Generator not found on server.
RLM_ACT_NO_LICENSES -1037 RLM Cloud: No licenses found.
RLM_ACT_NO_CLEAR -1038 Unencrypted requests not allowed.
RLM_ACT_BAD_KEY -1039 Bad activation key (illegal char).
RCC_CANT_WRITE_FULFILL -1040 RLM Cloud: Can’t write licf table.
RCC_PORTAL_CANT_WRITE_FULFILL -1041 RLM Cloud: Can’t write licf table.
RLM_ACT_KEY_TOOMANY -1042 Insufficient count left in activation key.
RLM_ACT_SUB_BADTYPE -1043 Subscription license not Nodelocked or Single.
RLM_ACT_CONTACT_BAD -1044 Contact information supplied is bad.

License Checkout Errors:

Stato Valore Significato Descrizione Completa
RLM_EL_NOPRODUCT -1 No authorization for product rlm_checkout() did not find a product to satisfy your request.
RLM_EL_NOTME -2 Authorization is for another ISV The license you are requesting is in the license file, but it is for a different ISV.
RLM_EL_EXPIRED -3 Authorization has expired The only license available has expired. This error will only be returned for local license lines, never from a license server.
RLM_EL_NOTTHISHOST -4 Wrong host for authorization The hostid in the license doesn’t match the hostid of the machine where the software is running.
RLM_EL_BADKEY -5 Bad key in authorization The signature in the license line is not valid, i.e. it does not match the remainder of the data in the license.
RLM_EL_BADVER -6 Requested version not supported Your application tried to check out a license at a higher version than was available, e.g., you specified v5, but the available license is for v4.
RLM_EL_BADDATE -7 Bad date format - not permanent or dd-mm-yy The expiration, start, or issued date wasn’t understood, eg, 316-mar-2010 or 31-jun-2010. You’d probably never see this in the field unless somebody had tampered with the license file.
RLM_EL_TOOMANY -8 Checkout request for too many licenses Your checkout request will never work, because you have asked for more licenses than are issued.
RLM_EL_NOAUTH -9 No license auth supplied to call This is an internal error.
RLM_EL_ON_EXC_ALL -10 On excludeall list The license administrator has specified an EXCLUDEALL list for this product, and the user (host, etc) is on it.
RLM_EL_ON_EXC -11 On feature exclude list The license administrator has specified an EXCLUDE list for this product, and the user (host, etc) is on it.
RLM_EL_NOT_INC_ALL -12 Not on the includeall list The license administrator has specified an INCLUDEALL list for this product, and you are not on it.
RLM_EL_NOT_INC -13 Not on the feature include list The license administrator has specified an INCLUDE list for this product, and you are not on it.
RLM_EL_OVER_MAX -14 Request would go over license MAX The license administrator set a license MAX usage option for a user or group. This checkout request would put this user/group/host over that limit.
RLM_EL_REMOVED -15 License (rlm)removed by server A license administrator removed this license using the rlmremove command or the RLM web interface.
RLM_EL_SERVER_BADRESP -16 Unexpected response from server The application received a response from the license server which it did not expect. This is an internal error.
RLM_EL_COMM_ERROR -17 Error communicating with server This indicates a basic communication error with the license server, either in a network initialization, read, or write call.
RLM_EL_NO_SERV_SUPP -18 License server doesn’t support this
RLM_EL_NOHANDLE -19 No license handle No license handle supplied to an rlm_get_attr_xxx() call or rlm_license_xxx() call.
RLM_EL_SERVER_DOWN -20 Server closed connection The license server closed the connection to the application.
RLM_EL_NO_HEARTBEAT -21 No heartbeat response received Your application did not receive a response to a heartbeat message which it sent. This would happen when you call rlm_get_attr_health(), or automatically if you called rlm_auto_hb().
RLM_EL_ALLINUSE -22 All licenses in use All licenses are currently in use, and the user did not request to be queued. This request will succeed at some other time when some licenses are checked in.
RLM_EL_NOHOSTID -23 No hostid on uncounted license Uncounted licenses always require a hostid.
RLM_EL_TIMEDOUT -24 License timed out by server Your application did not send any heartbeats to the license server and the license administrator specified a TIMEOUT option in the ISV server options file.
RLM_EL_INQUEUE -25 In queue for license All licenses are in use, and the user requested queuing by setting the RLM_QUEUE environment variable.
RLM_EL_SYNTAX -26 License syntax error This is an internal error.
RLM_EL_ROAM_TOOLONG -27 Roam time exceeds maximum The roam time specified in a checkout request is longer than either the license-specified maximum roaming time or the license administrator’s ROAM_MAX_DAYS option specification.
RLM_EL_NO_SERV_HANDLE -28 Server does not know this license handle This is an internal server error. It will be returned usually when you are attempting to return a roaming license early.
RLM_EL_ON_EXC_ROAM -29 On roam exclude list The license administrator has specified an EXCLUDE_ROAM list for this product, and the user (host, etc) is on it.
RLM_EL_NOT_INC_ROAM -30 Not on the roam include list The license administrator has specified an INCLUDE_ROAM list for this product, and you are not on it.
RLM_EL_TOOMANY_ROAMING -31 Too many licenses roaming already A request was made to roam a license, but there are too many licenses roaming already (set by the license administrator ROAM_MAX_COUNT option).
RLM_EL_WILL_EXPIRE -32 License expires before roam period ends A roaming license was requested, but the only license which can fulfill the request will expire before the roam period ends.
RLM_EL_ROAMFILEERR -33 Problem with roam file There was a problem writing the roam data file on the application’s computer.
RLM_EL_RLM_ROAM_ERR -34 Cannot check out rlm_roam license A license was requested to roam, but the application cannot check out an rlm_roam license.
RLM_EL_WRONG_PLATFORM -35 Wrong platform for client The license specifies platforms=xxx, but the application is not running on one of these platforms.
RLM_EL_WRONG_TZ -36 Wrong timezone for client The license specifies an allowed timezone, but the application is running on a computer in a different timezone.
RLM_EL_NOT_STARTED -37 License start date in the future The start date in the license hasn’t occurred yet, e.g., today you try to check out a license containing start=1-mar-2030.
RLM_EL_CANT_GET_DATE -38 time() call failure The time() system call failed.
RLM_EL_OVERSOFT -39 Request goes over This license checkout causes the license usage to go over it's soft limit. The checkout is successful, but usage is now in the overdraft mode. RLM_EL_OVERSOFT is also returned if you have a misconfigured token-based license and the server has gone into overdraft due to this. See the note in the token-based license restrictions section.
RLM_EL_WINDBACK -40 Clock setback detected RLM has detected that the clock has been set back. This error will only happen on expiring licenses.
RLM_EL_BADPARAM -41 Bad parameter to rlm_checkout() call This currently happens if a checkout request is made for < 0 licenses.
RLM_EL_NOROAM_FAILOVER -42 Roam operations not allowed on failover server A failover server has taken over for a primary server, and a roaming license was requested. Roaming licenses can only be obtained from primary servers. Re-try the request later when the primary server is up.
RLM_EL_BADHOST -43 bad hostname in license file or port@host The hostname in the license file is not valid on this network.
RLM_EL_APP_INACTIVE -44 Application is inactive Your application is set to the inactive state (with rlm_set_active(rh, 0), and you have called rlm_get_attr_health().
RLM_EL_NOT_NAMED_USER -45 User is not on the named-user list You are not on the named user list for this product.
RLM_EL_TS_DISABLED -46 Terminal server/remote desktop disabled The only available license has Terminal Server disabled, and the application is running on a Windows Terminal Server machine.
RLM_EL_VM_DISABLED -47 Running on Virtual Machines disabled The only available license has virtual machines disabled, and the application is running on a virtual machine.
RLM_EL_PORTABLE_REMOVED -48 Portable hostid removed The license is locked to a portable hostid (dongle), and the hostid was removed after the license was acquired by the application.
RLM_EL_DEMOEXP -49 Demo license has expired Detached Demotm license has expired.
RLM_EL_FAILED_BACK_UP -50 Failed host back up - failover server released license If your application is holding a license from a failover server, when the main server comes back up, the failover server will drop all the licenses it is serving, and you will get this status.
RLM_EL_SERVER_LOST_XFER -51 Server lost it’s transferred license Your license was served by a server which had received transferred licenses from another license server. The originating license server may have gone down, in which case, your server will lose the licenses which were transferred to it.
RLM_EL_BAD_PASSWORD -52 Incorrect password for product RLM_EL_BAD_PASSWORD is an internal error and won’t ever be returned to the client - if the license password is bad, the client will receive RLM_EL_NO_SERV_SUPP.
RLM_EL_METER_NO_SERVER -53 Metered licenses Metered licenses only work with a license server.
RLM_EL_METER_NOCOUNT -54 Not enough count for meter There is insufficient count in the meter for the requested operation.
RLM_EL_NOROAM_TRANSIENT -55 Roaming not allowed Roaming is not allowed on servers with transient hostids, ie, dongles.
RLM_EL_CANTRECONNECT -56 Can’t reconnect to server On a disconnected handle, the operation requested needed to reconnect to the server, and this operation failed.
RLM_EL_NONE_CANROAM -57 None of these licenses can roam The license max_roam_count is set to 0. This will always be the case for licenses that are transferred to another server.
RLM_EL_SERVER_TOO_OLD -58 Server too old for this operation In v10, this error means that disconnected operation (rlm_init_disconn()) was attempted on a pre-v10.0 license server.
RLM_EH_SERVER_REJECT -59 Server rejected client Either the server is older than the oldest version allowed, or a generic server is used when the client specifies this is not allowed.
RLM_EL_REQ_OPT_MISSING -60 Required option missing A required option was set with the rlm_set_req_opt() call, and this string is not part of the license string. This error will only be reported for nodelocked licenses, the server will always report RLM_EL_NO_SERV_SUPP.
RLM_EL_NO_DYNRES -61 Reclaim can’t find dynamic reservation The license specified to be reclaimed cannot be found.
RLM_EL_RECONN_INFO_BAD -62 Reconnection info invalid This is generally an internal error.
RLM_EL_ALREADY_ROAMING -63 License already roaming on this host If you attempt to roam N licenses then later N+X licenses, you will receive this error. The original roam must be returned first.
RLM_EL_BAD_EXTEND_FMT -64 Bad format for RLM_ROAM_EXTEND RLM_ROAM_EXTEND format is product:date:extension_code.
RLM_EL_BAD_EXTEND_CODE -65 Bad extend code Extension code does not verify correctly.
RLM_EL_NO_ROAM_TO_EXTEND -66 No roaming license to extend This is an attempt to extend a non-existant roaming license.
RLM_EL_NESTED_ALIAS -67 Nested aliases You cannot define an alias in terms of another alias.
RLM_EL_NO_JSON -68 No JSON in returned message This is an internal error in web services processing with RLM Cloud.
RLM_EL_BAD_JSON -69 Bad JSON in returned message This is an internal error in web services processing with RLM Cloud.
RLM_EL_BADHANDSHAKE -70 Bad handshake on web services checkout This is an internal error in web services processing with RLM Cloud.
RLM_EL_HELPER_ERR -71 rlm_helper error This is an internal error in web services processing with RLM Cloud.
RLM_EL_PERS_NOT_ON_LIST -72 Not on list The user is not on the personal license list.
RLM_EL_PERS_BADPASS -73 Bad password The personal user’s password is incorrect.
RLM_EL_PERS_INUSE -74 License in use The personal license is in use.
RLM_EL_PERS_HANDLE_ERR -75 Handle error RLM handle error (personal license)
RLM_EL_NOTTEMP -76 Not a temp license License is not a temporary license.
RLM_EL_NOSERVER -77 No server No server to connect to return temp license.