Roaming a Network license on a client computer

A network license can be roamed to use BricsCAD without connection to the license server (work outside of the office, at home, etc.).

When a network license is used on a client computer, the Roaming... button is displayed in the License Manager > Licensing information dialog box.

  1. If your computer is connected to the license server through a proxy server, click the Proxy Settings button to configure the proxy settings for a network license.
  2. Click the Roaming... button.

    The License Manager > Roaming dialog box opens.

  3. Enter the number of days you want to check out the license for roaming and click the Checkout button.
  4. (Optional) Tick the checkbox if you want to automatically refresh the roaming period when your computer is connected to the server.
  5. Restart BricsCAD to apply the changes.