Loading and unloading CUI files

When you install BricsCAD, the default CUI files are copied to the Support folder (see the BricsCAD User Files article).
- Modern
- Classic-ribbon
- Classic-toolbars
When you launch BricsCAD the first time, the classic-ribbon.cui file is loaded automatically.
There are two procedures to load a CUI file:
- Load main CUI file: replaces the currently loaded main CUI file.
- Load partial CUI file: partially replaces the content to the currently loaded main CUI file.
When you launch BricsCAD after installing a major update, you have the option to copy the files and settings from the previous BricsCAD installation, preserving user changes in the CUI while adding the new CUI components.
Loading a main CUI file
- Launch the CUSTOMIZE command.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- In the File menu, choose Load main CUI file ....
The Select main CUI file dialog box displays the content of the Support folder.
- Select a CUI file, then double-click or click the Open button.
The selected CUI file is loaded.
- Close the Customize dialog.
Loading a partial CUI file
- Launch the CUSTOMIZE command.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- In the File menu, choose Load partial CUI file ....
The Choose a customization file dialog box displays the content of the Support folder.
- Select a CUI file, then double-click or click the Open button.
The content of the selected CUI file is appended: definitions which are different from the ones in the main CUI are used.
- Close the Customize dialog.
In case of a CUI load error
In the case of a load error due to a corrupted CUI file, an error message is displayed allowing the user to try restoring from the latest backup, or using a CUI file with the same name from the UserDataCache, if any.
Unloading a partial CUI file
- Launch the CUSTOMIZE command.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Menus tab.
- Right-click the partial CUI name and choose Unload <PartialCuiName> in the context menu.
- Close the Customize dialog.
Managing customization groups
- Launch the MENULOAD command.
The Customization groups dialog opens.
- (Option) To load a partial CUI file, click the browse button (
) to select a partial CUI file, then click the Load button.
- (Option) To unload a partial CUI file, select the partial CUI file in the Loaded Customization Groups list, then click the Unload button.
- Click the Close button to stop.