Compare panel
The Compare panel allows you to compare the current drawing with a selected drawing.
Note: The DWGCOMPAREOPEN and DWGCOMPARECLOSE commands can be used to
open/close this panel.
- Setup
- Results
- End compare
4. Drawing
5. Legend
- Drawing
- Displays the name of the current file and the selected file to compare the current file against. If no compare file is selected yet, click the Select a file button. The Please pick a file to compare against. dialog box opens to let you select a file.
- Legend
- Displays the colors in which the entities are displayed when the program finds differences. You
can toggle the different categories on and off to determine whether the corresponding entities
should be shown or not.Note: You can click the colors to open the Select Color dialog box where you can pick another color for the selected category.
6. Browse changes
7. Zoom on entity
8. Results list
- Browse changes
- Allows you to browse through the changes that are found between the two drawings. A preview of
the entities is shown.
- Click on the arrows to browse through the changes
- Click on Use this version to select from which drawing you want to keep the entity
- Zoom on entity
- Zooms on to the entity that is shown in the preview
- Results
- Displays the
of the entities that are different from the compare drawing.
- Not in current drawing: the entities only exist in the compare drawing
- In both drawings & changed: the entities exist in both drawings, but are changed
- Only in current drawing: the entities only exist in the current drawing
End compare
Ends the comparison and unloads the compare file.