Creates a colinear geometric constraint on 2D entities.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Creates a colinear constraint to ensure two or more linear entities remain colinear.


This command has 2 methods to begin creating a colinear constraint:
  • Select first entity
  • Multiple

Options within the command

Select first entity
Allows you to begin creating a colinear constraint by selecting a linear entity.
Select second entity
Allows you to select a linear entity to make colinear to the first one. The first entity maintains its position while the second entity adjusts, as necessary, to become colinear.
Creates multiple colinear constraints.
Select entity to make collinear to the first
Allows you to select a linear entity to make colinear to the first one. You can continue adding colinear constraints to other entities until you press Enter key to end the command. The first entity maintains its position while subsequent entities adjust, as necessary, to become colinear.