Copies selected properties and styles from one entity and applies it to one or more entities.
Alias: MA
Select the entity whose properties will be copied and the entities to apply the properties to.
Options within the command
- Settings
- Specifies which settings to be copied. The Match Properties dialog box lists applicable properties along with their current value.
Check all properties that may be applied on other entities so not all properties are automatically matched.
The Match Properties dialog box allows you to select which properties you want to copy from one entity to one or more other entities.
- All/None
- Basic
- Special
When checked on, all properties are automatically selected. When checked off, all entities are deselected.
Selects the basic entity properties to copy. On the right side, the entity properties of the source entity are displayed.
- Color
- When checked on, the color of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The color of the source entity is displayed on the right.
- Layer
- When checked on, the layer of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The layer of the source entity is displayed on the right.
- Linetype
- When checked on, the linetype of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The linetype of the source entity is displayed on the right.
- Linetype Scale
- When checked on, the linetype scale of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The linetype scale of the source entity is displayed on the right.
- Lineweight
- When checked on, the lineweight of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The lineweight of the source entity is displayed on the right.
- Transparency
- When checked on, the transparency of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The transparency of the source entity is displayed on the right.
- Thickness
- When checked on, the thickness of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The thickness of the source entity is displayed on the right.
- Plot Style
- When checked on, the plot style of the source entity will be copied to the selected entities. The plot style of the source entity is displayed on the right.
Selects other less basic properties to copy.
- Dimension
When checked on, the dimension style and annotative properties of dimensions, leaders and tolerances is copied.
- Polyline
When checked on, the width and linetype generation settings are copied. Other settings are ignored, such as taper and spline.
- Material
When checked on, the material properties are copied. Adds or removes materials, depending on whether the source entities has a material definition or not.
- Text
When checked on, text style and annotative property of text and mtext is copied. Other properties, like the color, are not copied.
- Viewport
- When checked on, the viewport-specific properties are copied, such as on or off, snap and grid status, and scale factor. Other properties, such as clipping or frozen layer states, are not copied.
- Shadow Display
- When checked on, the shadows of the source entity are copied.
- Hatch
When checked on, all hatch properties and annotative scaling are copied.
- Multileader
When checked on, the multileader style and annotative scaling is copied.