Displays the digital signatures for the drawing and its Xrefs.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Opens the Validate Digital Signature dialog box.

Note: If the current drawing was modified after the last signing, the warning message below will be displayed:
Note: The SIGWARN system variable controls the display of a dialog box with the signature content when a drawing with a digital signature is opened.

Displays the status of all digital signatures for a drawing and its Xrefs.

Note: The first drawing in the list, which is written in a bold large font, is the host drawing.
Displays the drawing file name.
Displays the drawing folder.
Displays if the drawing is signed with a valid digital signature or not.
The drawing is signed with a valid digital signature.
Not signed
The drawing is not signed with any digital signature or the modification of the drawing was saved without applying the digital signature again.
Unknown certificate
The digital certificate is not located in the proper location or the digital certificate was revoked by the certificate authority.
Not found
The drawing lost its initial location.
Invalid signature
The signed drawing was modified in an old BricsCAD® version that doesn't support digital signature (V21).
The referenced file is not loaded.
An error occurred during signature validation.
View Signature
Opens the Digital Signature Content dialog box:
Drawing identifying
Displays the path of the drawing.
Status of the signature
  • Marked in green in case of a valid signature.
  • Marked in red in case of an invalid signature.
Digital Signature
Subject: displays the certificate name.
Issuer: displays the author name.
Valid from:displays the date from which the certificate is valid.
Valid to: displays the date until which certificate is valid.
Serial number: displays the certificate serial number.
Displays the signature comment.
Signature date and time
Displays the date and time when the drawing was signed.
Time service
Displays the chosen time server.