Version Control panel

To open the Version Control panel, right-click a ribbon panel/toolbar and choose Version Control from the Panels list.

The Version Control panel allows you to keep track of changes in your BIM project (all the files in the project folder) and restore the files to a previous version.

Home tab

  1. Refresh button
  2. Create a new project
  3. List of projects
Refresh button
Reloads the projects to reflect any changes that might have happened outside of BricsCAD, for example, a project folder that was deleted.
Create a new project
Opens the Create or Restore Version Control Project dialog box (see Create or Restore Version Control Project dialog box article) to create a new version control project (for example Office Building).
An ignore file, that will indicate the type of the files that will not be shown (BAK, DWL, DWL2) in the Version Control panel is automatically created.
The newly added files will be marked with .
List of projects
Lists all projects added. Click on a project in the list to access Local Changes and History tabs.
The project can be deleted from the panel with the Delete version control project option that is available in the right-click context menu:
When the project is no longer located in its initial location (and the path to the project is not correct), it will be marked as below after refreshing the Version Control panel:
In this case, the project can be restored by selecting the new location of the project:

Local Changes tab

  1. Home button
  2. Current project name
  3. Changed files
  4. Commit message box
  5. Commit changes
Home button
Takes you back to the panel's list of projects.
Current project name
Shows the current project name.
Changed files
Lists all changed files from the project and shows their states:
  • modified files
  • removed files
  • newly added files
You can select the changed files you want to commit.
Commit message box
Provides a commit message to be able to commit changes.
Commit changes
Commits the current state under the commit message version control name.
Note: A commit requires a changed file or a new or removed file. If there are no local changes in the project, the message "There are not local changes in this project. Save your files before committing the changes." appears.
Note: An initial automatic commit is performed for setting properties.
Note: The Local Changes tab should reflect these changes outside of BricsCAD automatically, but the user can force a reload changes by pressing the refresh button.

History tab

Lists all versions committed for the current project. Click on a version to expand it.

  1. Selected commit number
  2. Tab name
  3. Commit version name
  4. Version files
  5. Restore files
Selected commit number
Displays the selected commit number.
Tab name
Click on the History tab name to return to all commits list.
Commit version name
Displays the version name, previously added via the message box when this version was committed.
Version files
Lists all files committed for the selected version. You can select which files to restore.
Restore files
Restores local files to this version, even when the file is opened.