REVCLOUD command

Creates a polyline in the shape of a revision cloud.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Creates a closed polyline in the shape of a revision cloud. Choose from a combination of options including rectangular, polygonal, freehand, and entity.

Options within the command

Arc length
Specifies the shortest and longest length for the arcs that form the cloud.
Specify minimum length of arc
Specifies the minimum length of the arcs.

The minimum arc length is stored in the REVCLOUDMINARCLENGTH system variable.

Specify maximum length of arc
Specifies the maximum length of the arcs.

The maximum arc length is stored in the REVCLOUDMAXARCLENGTH system variable.

  1. Minimum arc length
  2. Maximum arc length
Creates a revision cloud by selecting an existing entity to convert to a revision cloud.
  1. Original entity
  2. Revision cloud
Note: Entities can be open or closed. The original entity is erased.
Creates a rectangular revision cloud by specifying the first and opposite corner of the rectangle.

The revision cloud is drawn parallel to the x and y axes.

Creates a polygonal revision cloud by specifying the vertices of the polygon.

You can continue adding unlimited vertices until you press Enter key to end the command.

Undoes the last segment and continues drawing from the previous segment.
Creates a freehand revision cloud.
Guide crosshairs along cloud path...
Allows you to drag the cursor to add revision cloud segments. Continues adding segments until you pass the cursor over the start point to create a closed revision cloud.
  1. Closed revcloud

Press Enter key to stop adding revision cloud segments at anytime.

Reverse direction
Allows you to specify the direction of the revision cloud.
The direction of the arc segments is reversed.
  1. Start point
  2. Reversed
The direction of the arc segment is retained.
  1. Start point
Specifies the arc style to use for the revision cloud.
The polyline making up the cloud has a uniform width.
The polyline has a varying width (tapered polyarcs) to simulate a calligraphic look.
  1. Calligraphic style
Note: The arc style is stored in the REVCLOUDARCSTYLE system variable.