CHANGE command

Changes the properties of entities, through the Command line. This command has largely been superseded by the Propertiespanel.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Alias: -CH


Choose one or more entities in the drawing and choose a change point which changes the size of the entity, depending on what the entity is:

  • Lines - moves the endpoint closest to the pick point.
  • Arcs - changes the length closest to the pick point.
  • Circles - changes the diameter.
  • Text - moves the text.
  • Blocks - moves the block.
Note: This option has no effect on polylines.

Options within the command

special Entities
Specifies options for changing the properties of rays and infinite lines (xlines).
change Angles
Changes the angle.
definition Points
Changes the location of the points defining the rays and infinite lines.
No changes
Leaves entities unchanged.
Color/Elevation/LAyer/LineType/linetype Scale/Line Weight/ Thickness/TRansparency/Material/Annotative

For more explanation, see the Properties panel.