COPYTOLAYER command (Express Tools)

Copies entities to another layer.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Creates duplicates of selected entities on a layer specified by the user. You can specify a different location for the duplicated entities.


There are two methods to copy to layer:

  • Select entity on target layer.
  • Select target layer in the Copy To Layer dialog box.

Options within the command

Displays the Copy To Layer dialog box that allows selecting a target layer. For more information, see related article Copy To Layer dialog box
Specify the displacement vector (the distance at which to position the copy). Vector means that you specify the distance and angle at the same time.
Note: When Dynamic Input Mode is active, you can type a distance and angle in the dynamic input fields.