DMBEND command

Bends a 3D solid around an axis.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Select or draw a bend line on the face of the 3D solid and then select the angle and radius of the bend using the mouse or by entering the angle and radius values.

Note: If the solid was created as a Sketch Based Feature solid (CREATESKETCHFEATURE system variable is ON), a warning prompts you to confirm if you want to remove the feature.

Options within the command

Select a line to be used as a bend axis
Allows you to select an existing line.
New line
Creates a new line to be used as a bend axis.
Swaps the fixed side to the left.
Leaves both sides mobile.
Swaps the fixed side to the right.
Note: The Hotkey Assistant widget displays if the HOTKEYASSISTANT (HKA) system variable is ON. Repeatedly press the Ctrl key during the dynamic display of the command to select an option for the fixed side of the bend, Left, Middle, or Right.
Sets the values for angle and radius.
Sets the bend angle.
Sets the bend radius.
Accept model
Accepts the model.