Array Properties


Component array is an associative array made of a parametric component. Component arrays have a special representation in the Mechanical Browser.

Component array have 2 main subnodes:
  • Source: node that contains source object and its parameters. Source object can be presented as a component or subassembly with specific properties.
  • Elements: node that contains all instances of source object.
Figure 1. Mechanical Browser

Component array context menu is displayed by a right click on the array node, while array properties are displayed automatically when selecting an array in the Mechanical Browser.

Table 1. Context Menu
Context menu Description
Component array context menu Right-click an array:

  • Dissolve: Dissolve an array created in the current drawing (See the BMDISSOLVE command).
  • Unlink: Unlink an array from 3D solid by dissolving the underlying component-based feature.
  • Hide / Show : Hide or show the selected array.
  • Exclude all inserts from section: Set the Sectionable property of all similar inserts to NO. Define whether an insert is affected by the VIEWSECTION command.
  • Visual Style: display the Visual Style menu. Visual Styles that are saved in the current drawing are available.

  • By Viewport: render the selected array according to the current viewport shademode (see the SHADEMODE command).
  • All by Viewport: Render all arrays according to the current viewport shademode (see the SHADEMODE command).
  • Zoom to: zoom to the selection set.
  • Select: select the array.
  • Delete: remove the selected array from the assembly.
  • Collapse all: collapse the main component and all components and subcomponents.
  • Expand all: expand the main component and all components and subcomponents.

Related commands

Table 2. Related commands
Command Description
3DARRAY Create 3D arrays.
ARRAY Create a polar or rectangular array of entities; display prompts at the Command line.
ARRAYCLASSIC Create a static polar or rectangular array of entities through a dialog box.
ARRAYEDIT Edit associative array entities and their source entities.
ARRAYPATH Associatively distribute entity copies evenly along a path into multiple rows and levels.
ARRAYPOLAR Associatively distribute entity copies evenly in a circular pattern about a center point or axis of rotation, using multiple rows and levels.
ARRAYRECT Associatively distribute entity copies into any number of rows, columns, and levels.
MINSERT Insert arrays of blocks.