WARNINGMESSAGES system variable

Warning messages

Specifies whether warning messages are displayed in certain situations. The value is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the values of all selected options.




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Valore predefinito:


Possibili opzioni:

1: Selecting 3D context with hardware rendering off

2: Modifying tool property in Customize dialog

4: Deleting sheet custom property

8: Moving entities to frozen or off layer

16: Saving to previous version not supporting some entities

32: Detecting modified attachments when opening the parent drawing

64: Creating new layer not matching the current layer filter

128: Render: Tile sizes between 4 and 127 are processed as 128

256: Expanding category mass in properties panel

512: Deleting an item in Customize dialog

1024: Publish: Save sheet list

2048: Delete layouts in Page Setup Explorer

4096: Mass properties calculation takes long time

8192: Array editing state

16384: Incompatible units

32768: Modified block definition will cause all related block references update

65536: A Data Link has changed, Any tables using this link may need to be updated

131072: VIEWBASE usage for architectural drawings

262144 Expanding a closed category in properties panel

524288: Empty category in properties panel is removed