Spatial locations




Spatial locations allow you to specify building and its stories in a project. In BricsCAD, a BIM model file can contain one site and multiple buildings and a building can contain multiple stories. When the entities are classified as a building element in the project, these classified entities have a Building and a Story property. Every building element in the BIM model resides in a particular story within a particular building.

For more information about this command, visit the Command Reference article BIMSPATIALLOCATIONS command.

Procedure: assigning a building and story to a building element

  1. Launch the BIMSPATIALLOCATIONS command.
  2. Click the New Building icon () to add a new building to the model.
  3. Fill out the properties grid to specify a new name or value of the existing property.
  4. Click the New Story icon () to add a new story in the selected building.
  5. Fill out the properties grid to specify a new name or value of the existing property.
  6. (Optional) Click the Delete icon () to remove the selected building or story.
  7. (Optional) Click Import Spatial Locations button () to import a spatial location from a .txt file.
  8. Select building element(s) in the drawing area to associate them with the appropriate spatial locations.

    The properties of the selected building elements display in the Properties panel.

  9. Do the following to assign a building and story to these building elements:
    • Expand the BIM section in the Properties panel.
    • Click the Building field, then use the arrow to select a building.
    • Click the Story field, then use the arrow to select a story.

Viewing the spatial locations in the Structure panel

The Structure panel allows to view all of the entities in a drawing. By default, the structure of the building elements is organized in a particular form. Building elements are grouped by Building, Story, BIM type, and by Composition respectively. This organization can be fully configured. Right click in the Structure panel and click Configure, a new window will open. For more info, see the article Working with the Structure panel.

If there is no BIM Building or BIM Story in the Structure panel, you can add them manually. See Working with the Structure panel article for more info.


Assigning new Space can be done using the BIMSPACE command. Spaces are not always assigned to the according buildings because they don't have a spatial location yet. Use the BIMATTACHSPATIALLOCATION command to assign a spatial location to spaces.

Note: Assigning a newSpace to a building element overrides the element's Story and Building properties with those of the space.

For more information about this command, visit the Command Reference article BIMATTACHSPATIALLOCATION.

Procedure: attaching spatial locations

  2. You are prompted:Enter location number or [Auto attach locations/Unattach current location]: Press A to auto attach the spaces to their according building and floor level.
  3. Select the spaces to update and press Enter.
  4. (Optional) Press U to unattach the spatial location.