Selecting entities
When you hover over an object in BricsCAD, the object is highlighted. When you left click a highlighted entity, it will be selected.
Highlighting: you only can highlight one entity at once.
Selecting: you can select as many entities as desired.
You can perform most of the modeling process by highlighting the entity and using the Quad. For example, when you highlight a surface, the Quad will open. You can pick the command you want, without selecting the surface first.
Selection modes
The selection modes allow you to control which sub-entities (faces, edges, and boundaries) will highlight in the selection preview and can be selected.
- Ribbon:
Note: To display the Ribbon, right-click on a toolbar and choose Ribbon in the context menu. - Settings:
- Enable detection of 3D solid edges (
): controls whether 3D solid edges are highlighted by selection preview and can be selected. If you enable this option, you can select the edges of 3D solids by clicking them once.
- Enable detection of 3D solid faces (
): controls whether 3D solid faces are highlighted by selection preview and can be selected. If you enable this option, you can select the faces of the 3D solids by clicking them once.
- Enable boundary detection (
): controls whether closed boundaries in XY-plane of the current coordinate system or on the face of 3D solids are detected. If you enable this option, you can select closed boundaries from the faces of 3D solids by clicking them once.
- Enable selection of Sides and Ends (
): controls the bimSides and BimEnds visibility of all linear elements.
- Enable vertex selection (
): controls whether 3D solid vertices are highlighted by selection preview and can be selected. If you enable this option, you can select the vertices of the 3D solids by clicking it once.
Changing selection modes setting
- Click the buttons on the Settings panel on the Ribbon and find Selection Modes. The following illustration shows the sum of the values (1) of the SELECTIONMODES system variable when the Select edges and Select vertices options are disabled (2) after clicking the checkbox once; and the Select faces and Select detected boundaries are enabled (3).
- Type SELECTIONMODES in the Command line and change the current parameter.
- Use the Ctrl key on the keyboard to temporarily toggle between the different selection modes. These key functions enable you to select any type of entity.
To display the BimSides/Ends for linear elements you can use the DISPLAYSIDESANDENDS system variable in the Settings dialog box or set the DISPLAYSIDESANDENDS system variable to 1 in the Command line.
The following illustration shows the Display Sides and Endsoption is ticked (6) after clicking the checkbox once.system variable when the
Selecting sub-entities
- To highlight a solid face, hover over the face with your mouse cursor. The highlighted face is displayed in orange (7). To select the face, left-click it when the face is highlighted. To select multiple faces of the solid, left-click them one by one.
- To highlight a solid, hover over one of its faces while holding down the CTRL-key. The solid is displayed in blue (8). To select the solid, left-click it while the solid is highlighted. To select multiple solids left-click them one by one.
- To highlight an edge, hover over the edge of the solid while holding down the CTRL-key. The edge is displayed in orange (9). To select the edge, left-click it while the edge is highlighted. To select multiple edges left-click them one by one.
- To highlight a boundary, hover over the detected boundary on the face of the 3D solid. When the detected boundary is highlighted, it is displayed in a color. By default, inside of the boundary is displayed in green (10) and the outer edge of the boundary is displayed in blue (11).
Note: This setting can be changed by typing BOUNDARYCOLOR on the Command line (default value = 95).
Procedure: modifying the thickness of a solid
- Make sure the Select faces option of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.
- Hover the cursor over the face of a solid.
If necessary, press Tab to highlight an obscured face.
- When the face highlights, choose Push/Pull in the Model command group of the Quad.
- The selected face of the solid is dragged.
The dynamic dimension field displays the relative displacement of the face (= with respect to its original position).
- (Optionally) Press the Tab key to change the face selected as the reference face for the dynamic dimension.Note: When a composition with locked thicknesses (non-variable thickness) is applied to a solid and if the thickness of the solid is not equal to the total amount of the composition thickness, the solid is displayed with red hatches. Execute the BIMUPDATETHICKNESS command to re-apply the composition to such solid.
Procedure: modifying the height of a wall
- Make sure the Select faces: option of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.
- Hover the cursor over the top face of the wall.
If necessary, press the Tab key to highlight an obscured face.
- When the face highlights, choose Push/Pull in the Model command group of the Quad.
The selected face moves dynamically with the cursor.
The dynamic dimension fields display the incremental height.
- Do one of the following:
- Type a value in the dynamic dimension field and press Enter.
- Press Tab to use another reference face, e.g. the bottom face of the solid, then type a value in the dynamic dimension field.
Modify the height of multiple walls
Use the SELECTALIGNEDFACES command ( ) to select the top face of all solids in the same horizontal plane.
- Make sure the Select faces option of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.
- Move the cursor over the top face of one of the walls.
If necessary, press the Tab key to highlight an obscured face.
- When the face highlights, choose SELECTALIGNEDFACES in the Solid/Face Selection command group in the Quad.
All faces lying in the plane of the selected face are selected.
- Now follow the same steps as for a single wall.
Modify the height ply-by-ply
- Move the cursor over the ply that you want to edit and choose Push/Pull in the Model command group of the Quad when the ply highlights.
- Type value in the dynamic distance field.
- Press Enter to accept the distance.
Selecting obscured sub-entities
In your drawing, some entities or sub-entities (faces, edges, and boundaries) might be hidden behind other entities. The Tab key enables you to cycle through sub-entities.
The following steps show how to highlight a hidden face that lies beneath the cursor.
- Place your cursor on one of the solid faces.
In the example below, the top face of the front solid is highlighted (12).
- Press the Tab key to cycle through the hidden entity.
The back face of the front solid is highlighted (13).
- Repeatedly pressing the Tab key while keeping the cursor at the same position allows you to highlight the entire solid in the front (14) and the front face (15) and right face (16) of the rear solid. Finally, the entire rear solid is highlighted (17).
- When the entity or sub-entity that you want to select is highlighted, left-click it to select.

Selecting multiple entities using the selection boxes
The selection boxes allow you to select one or more than one entity at once. To use a selection box, left-click on an empty space in the drawing area and move the cursor until the selection box covers the entities that you want to select.
There are two types of selection boxes in BricsCAD:

- Click and move the mouse to the right to create a blue box around the entities you want to select. When the entity is completely inside the window, it will be added to the selection set. The example below shows the blue selection box usage when the selection mode is set to Solids (default).
The blue selection box covers the left cube completely and therefore only this cube is selected in the model.
- To select faces of 3D solids and surfaces, press the Ctrl key once during window selection. The icon (20) next to the cursor indicates the selection mode. The faces that are completely inside the window will be selected when the selection mode is set to Faces.
- To select edges of 3D solids and surfaces, press the Ctrl key twice during window selection. The Edges icon (21) appears next to the cursor. The edges that are completely inside the window will be selected when the selection mode is set to Edges.
The following steps show how to select multiple entities using the green selection box:
- Click and move the mouse to the left (crossing window) to create a green box around the entities you want to select. When the entities overlap with the window or are completely inside the window, they will be added to the selection set. The example below shows the green selection box usage when the selection mode is set to default:
The green selection box selects both cubes in the model as the selection box overlaps with the two cubes.
- To select faces of 3D solids and surfaces, using of the green selection box, press the Ctrl key once during window selection. The Faces icon appears next to the cursor (22). Any faces that are completely or partially inside the crossing window will be selected.
- To select edges of 3D solids and surfaces, using of the green selection box, press the Ctrl key twice during window selection. The Edges icon appears next to the cursor (23). Any edges that are completely or partially inside the crossing window will be selected.
Selecting/highlighting BIM sides and ends on profiles
- Click the Enable selection of Sides and Ends icon in the BIM Toolbar.
- Hover over the linear solid in the model space when the cursor is on the top or on the bottom side of the linear solid. The Bim End face displays in yellow whereas the Bim Side face of the linear solid displays in red.