Text system variables
System variables can be set using the Settings dialog box.
Variable Name | Variable Title | Description |
FONTALT | Alternate font | Defines the font which will be used if a text font cannot be found. |
HIDETEXT | Hide text on hide | Specifies whether the HIDE command processes text entities. |
MIRRTEXT | Mirror text | Determines whether text is mirrored by the MIRROR command or not. |
MTEXTED | Multiline text editor | Sets the primary and secondary text editors to use for multiline text entities. |
MTEXTFIXED | Multiline text fixed | Controls whether BricsCAD zooms, rotates and/or pans the view to fit the Mtext being edited. |
QTEXTMODE | Quick text mode | Controls how text entities are displayed. If ON, displays text as a box. |
TEXTANGLE | Text angle | Stores the angle of the last added text entity. |
TEXTFILL | Text fill | Determines whether True Type fonts show as either filled or outlined.![]() |
TEXTQLTY | Text quality | Defines the smoothness of True Type fonts for plotting and rendering. |
TEXTSIZE | Text size | Sets the default height for new text entities. TEXTSIZE has no effect if the current text style has a fixed height. |
TEXTSTYLE | Text style | Stores the name of the current text style. |
TSPACEFAC | Text space factor | Specifies the line spacing distance of multiline text measured as factor of the text height. Values between 0.25 and 4 are accepted. |
TSPACETYPE | Text space type | Specifies the type of line spacing used for multiline text. At least: adjusts line spacing based on the tallest character(s) in a line. Exactly: used the specified line spacing, regardless of in individual character sizes. |
TSTACKALIGN | Text stack align | Determines the vertical alignment of stacked text: bottom, center or top. |
TSTACKSIZE | Text stack size | Specifies the percentage a which the stacked text fraction height is relative to the current height of the selected text. Values between 25 and 125 are accepted. |