Getting drawing information
You can retrieve two types of information from a drawing:
- General information about the drawing.
- Information about the entities in the drawing.
General drawing information
The DWGPROPS command opens the Drawing Properties dialog box, showing the general information and user defined properties stored with a drawing.
The SETVAR command displays or changes the values of system variables (short for "set variables").
The STATUS command reports the status of the drawing: drawing name, the status of the most important system variables and the total number of entities in the drawing.
The TIME command reports on time in the drawing: current time, creation time, last update, total editing time and user elapsed time.
Information about entities
The STATUS command reports the total number of entities in the drawing.
Using Quick Select, you can see the number of entities for each category.
The AREA command finds the area and perimeter (or length) of 2D entities.
The MASSPROP command reports the area, perimeter, and other mathematical properties of 3D solids and 2D regions (short for "mass properties").
The ID command reports the X, Y, Z coordinates of picked points.
The LIST command lists the properties of selected entities.