LIST command
Lists the properties of selected entities.

Alias: LI, LS
Returns a list of properties of the selected entities. A long lists of data could be generated, so press F2 to switch to the Prompt History window. When listing gets too long, press Esc key to end it.
Following properties are listed for each entity:
- Entity type
- Layer, Color, Linetype, lineweight: if these properties are not specifically defined, the information will be set to ‘ByLayer’.
- Bounding box coordinates
This command offers two methods to display the properties of a selected entity.
- Selecting entities before running the LIST command: Returns the properties of the selected entity.
- Running the LIST command before selecting entities: Allows to choose between different options before selecting the entities.
Options within the command
- SOrt
- Entities will be listed in sort of varying properties.
- SEquential
- Entities will be listed in the order by which they were selected.
- Tracking
- Specifies the number of lines of text to be displayed.
- add to set (+)
- Extra entities can be added, to list their properties.
- subtract from set (-)
- Allows to select the entity you want to remove from the selection.
- Previous selection
- Select the option in the Command line to go back to the previous selection.
- select by PROperties
- Lists the properties of entities with the same specified properties. Entities with the same property value for properties such as color, layer, linetype, name, thickness, type, value, width, handle, location, can be selected.
- selection methoDs
- Changes the selection method, same as the PICKAUTO system variable works.