Plotter configuration
Configurations for Windows system printers are stored in plotter configuration files (.PC3 files). Unlike in AutoCAD®, PC3 plotter configuration files in BricsCAD apply to Windows system printers only.
In a plotter configuration file, you override one or more settings of the system printers installed on your computer. You can configure BricsCAD many plotting/printing devices and keep multiple configurations for each single device.
Each plotter configuration file contains information such as:
- The device driver and model
- The output port to which the device is connected
- Various device-specific settings (not supported on the Linux platform).
PC3 files are saved in the Plotconfig subfolder of your Roamable root folder.
After creating a PC3 file, it is available in the list of plotter configuration names in the Printer / Plotter configuration list on the Print or Page Setup dialog boxes.
Configuring the built-in PDF printer
- Open the PRINT dialog box.
- Click the Printer/Plotter configuration list button and choose Print As PDF.pc3 in the list.
- Click the Edit Plotter Configuration button.
The Plotter Configuration Editor dialog is displayed with the Print As PDF.pc3 configuration file loaded.
- Click the Settings tab on the Plotter Configuration Editor dialog.
- (Option) Edit the Graphics settings.
- (Option) Execute the Scale Calibration.
- Click the Custom Properties button.
The Print As PDF - Custom Properties dialog is displayed.
- (Option) Adjust the Output quality and Layers support settings.
- Click the Manage Custom sizes ... button.
- To create a custom paper size, do the following:
- Click the Add button.
A new paper size is added.
- Double-click the newly created paper size.
- Type a name for the new paper size, then click the OK button.
- Define Width and Height for the new paper size.
- Define the Paper Margins.
Paper margins define the printable area of paper sheet.
If the DISPPAPERMARGINS system variable is ON, dashed lines indicate the paper margins on the paper sheet in a layout.
The paper sheet background is displayed if the DISPPAPERBKG system variable is ON.
- Click the OK button to create the custom paper size.
- Click the Add button.
- Click the OK button on each of the previously opened dialogs.
The custom paper size(s) can now be selected in the Paper Size list button.
Creating a plotter configuration
- Launch the PLOTTERMANAGER command.
A File dialog box is displayed with the folder, defined by the PLOTCFGPATH system variable.
- Double-click Create a Plotter Configuration shortcut.
The Plotter Configuration Editor dialog box is displayed.
- In the Printer name list, select the printer you want to create a plotter configuration (PC3) for.
Click the Settings tab on the Plotter Configuration Editor dialog.
- Click the Custom Properties... button.
The <Selected Printer> Custom Properties dialog box opens.
The layout of this dialog box is different for each printer.
Note: For Print as PDF - Custom properties, the Create bookmarks option is available to automatically generates bookmarks for named view in the PDF file.Custom Properties are not supported on the Linux platform.
- On the Properties dialog of the selected printer, adjust the printer settings, then click the OK button to confirm.
The <Selected Printer> Custom Properties dialog box closes.
- Click the OK button on the Plotter Configuration Editor dialog.
The Save Plotter Configuration As file dialog appears.
- (option) Edit the PC3 file name.
The default name is <Selected Printer>.pc3.
- Click the OK button on the Changes to a Printer Configuration File dialog.
The PC3 file is created.
Editing a plotter configuration
- Launch the PRINT command.
The Print dialog box appears.
Select a plotter configuration (PC3) in the Printer / Plotter configuration list.
- Click the Edit Plotter Configuration button.
The Plotter configuration editor dialog opens.
- Proceed in the Creating a plotter configuration procedure above starting from step 4.
Assigning a plotter configuration
Choose Model or the Layout to which you want to assign a specific plotter configuration file.
- Do one of the following:
- Choose Page Setup in the File menu.
- Type pagesetup in the Command line, then press Enter.
- Choose one of the following from the Printer / Plotter configuration list:
- A system printer
- A configuration file (PC3 file)
- None (uses Default)
- Click the OK button.
- When BricsCAD cannot find the plotter configuration file assigned to the drawing, it changes the configuration file assigned to your drawing to None.
- The None printer device has its own set of paper sizes that can be stored in the drawing, very much the same as for any 'real' printer. If a layout is opened and the stored printer is absent, the printer switches to None while the paper size is maintained. The missing printer and the previous paper size are indicated upon opening the Printdialog. The previous paper size can be saved in the drawing.
- PREVIOUS PAPER SIZE: drawings created by other parties are often set up for a printer that is not available in your office. In such case, BricsCAD resets the printer device to None, which results in using the default printer. Instead of resetting the paper size to a default, BricsCAD shows the Previous Paper size, in order to inform you about the intended paper size and allow you to choose a similar size on any of the available printers.