3DPOLY command

Creates a 3D polyline.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Alias: 3P


Creates a single 3D polyline entity with multiple line segments by specifying the start and end point of each segment. Options allow you to undo and close the geometry.

  1. Start
  2. Next
  3. Next
  4. End


This command has 3 methods to begin creating a 3D polyline:
  • Start of polyline
  • Last point
  • Follow

You can continue adding unlimited segments until you press Enter to end the command.

Note: 3D polylines with assigned linetypes draw with an uninterrupted pattern. To make linetypes visible for 3D polylines, set LINETYPE3DPLINE system variable to 1.

Options within the command

Start of polyline
Begins creating a 3D polyline by specifying a start point then specify next point.
Last point
Begins creating a 3D polyline from the last point picked then specify next point.
Begins creating a 3D polyline from the last drawn arc or line segment, following its angle, then specify next point.
  1. Start
  2. Next
  3. Next
  4. Last Drawn Segment
  5. Follow
  6. End
Next point
Specifies the next vertex of the polyline.

For the Follow option, specifies the length of the segment. Picking a point only determines the length since the angle follows the last segment.

Undoes the last 3D polyline segment and continue drawing from its previous start point.
Automatically draws a 3D polyline segment from the end point of the last segment to the start point of the first segment. This ends the command.
  1. Start/End
  2. Next
  3. Next
  4. Next
  5. Last drawn segment