Connects two components by creation of 3D constraints between their connection entities. Also, under the complete flange Assembly option, a gasket and a bolting assembly are inserted, resized, and connected to a pair of flanges.
Select components to connect
Select the component to connect. (1)
Select target component
Select the component to connect to. (2)
Note: Mechanical blocks are also accepted.
The command automatically creates a set of 3D constraints to correctly connect the parts and maintain their relative position for any further modification.
Options within the command
The next pair of connection point and line is selected for the component (1)
complete flange Assembly
A gasket and a bolting assembly can be selected to automatically connect the flanges (3) and (4).
If the flanges', the gaskets' the bolting assembly's Size and Rating parameters are linked to the global Size and Rating parameters, the flange assembly will be updated properly when these global parameters are changed.
Allows to choose a gasket for the flange assembly.
list available gaskets (?)
Lists all available gaskets in the command line.
Allows to choose a custom gasket from the Select a gasket file Generic Open File dialog box.
Removes the chosen gasket.
BOlting assembly
Selects a bolting assembly.
Note: Bolting is a parametric assembly of fasteners for one pair of flanges' bolting holes, e.g., a stud and 4 nuts. All nuts are of the same type. Two of these nuts can be suppressed, according to NutsNumber parameter.
Note: Bolting Assembly is a parametric assembly that contains a polar array of boltings (and connection 2d entities). Its Size and Rating parameters can be linked to the corresponding global parameters.
Note: Flange Assembly is an assembly of the connected pair of flanges, gasket, and bolting assembly.
Allows to choose an existing bolting assembly from the Select a bolting assembly file Generic Open File dialog box.
Generates a boltings assembly from a bolting.
Allows to choose an existing bolting from the Select a bolting fileGeneric Open File dialog box.
Generates a bolting.
Select a stud
list available studs (?)
Lists all available studs in the command line.
Allows to choose a custom stud from the Select a stud fileGeneric Open File dialog box.
Select a nut
list available nuts (?)
Lists all available nuts in the command line
Allows to choose a custom nut from the Select a nut fileGeneric Open File dialog box.
Specify the bolting name
Gives a name to the bolting generated above and save it in the Select the bolting file dialog box.
Specify the bolting assembly name
Gives a name to the bolting assembly generated above and save it in the Select the bolting file dialog box.
Keep the bolting file
Specifies if keep the bolting file
Select nuts number
Specifies the nuts number.
Input length increment
Specifies the length increment of the stud.
Applies the default stud, nut, length increment, nuts number for the boltings assembly.
A temporary bolting assembly is generated and is chosen. Its file will be removed at the end of the command execution.
Removes the chosen bolting assembly.
Opens the Settings dialog box:
BoltingAsmDefaultStud - default stud to generate bolting assembly.
BoltingAsmDefaultNut - default nut to generate bolting assembly.
BoltingAsmDefaultLengthIncrement - default length increment for default stud.
BoltingAsmDefaultNutsNumber - default nuts number for bolting assembly.
Returns to the previous command line options.
Creates the assembly of flanges, gasket and bolting assembly.