Opens the Page Setup dialog box.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Opens the Page Setup dialog box to view and modify the page setup for the current layout or model space.

  1. Page setup name
  2. Printer / Plotter configuration
  3. Paper size
  4. Plot area
  5. Plot scale
  6. Plot style table
  7. Drawing orientation
  8. Plot offset
  9. Plot options
  10. Shaded viewport options

Page setup name

Displays the name of the current setup.

Printer / Plotter configuration

Selects the printer or plotter.

Paper size

Specifies the size of paper by selecting a standard size from the drop-down list. These are sizes supported by the printer.
Note: The size can be displayed in inches or millimeters by checking one of the two options.

Plot area

Specifies which area of the drawing to print.

Prints the current view or a named view. Choose a view from the drop-down list.

Prints the extents of the drawing, which ensures every visible entity is printed.

Note: Entities on frozen layers are not taken into account when calculating the extents.
Prints the limits of the drawing, as specified by the Limits command.
Prints a rectangular area of the drawing.

Plot scale

Scales the drawing to fit to the paper.

Fit print area to size of paper
Calculates the scale automatically, taking into account the print area of the drawing.
Specifies the scale factor to use for plotting.
Scale lineweights
Scales lineweights with respect to the plot scale.

Plot style table

Specifies the plot style table to use for the printed output, which assigns properties to "pens," colors, and entities.

Drawing orientation

Specifies the orientation of the drawing on rectangular paper.

The drawing or layout x-axis is aligned with the shortest edge of the selected paper size.
The drawing or layout x-axis is aligned with the longest edge of the selected paper size.
Print upside down
Prints the drawing upside-down.

Plot offset

Specifies the offset distance for the print.

Note: To align the print in the center of the page, check the Center on page option.
Center on page
Centers the print on the page, taking into account margins.

Plot options

Plot entity lineweights
Toggles the use of lineweights.
Plot with plot styles
Toggles the use of plot styles.
Plot transparencies
Plots entities who have been assigned the transparency property, either by entity or by layer.
Plot paperspace last

Specifies the printing order.

Note: This option is only available when printing layouts.
Hide paperspace entities

Removes hidden lines from 3D entities in paper space when checked.

Note: This option is disabled when printing model space.

Shaded viewport options

Override the visual style of the current view when printing model space.

Shade plot
Choose a shade style to plot the drawing with.