Opens the Edit scale list dialog box.

Opens the Edit scale list dialog box to edit the list of scales accessible by some commands.
The Edit Scale List dialog box allows you to add, edit and delete scales.

- Command reference
- Add a new scale
- Edit scale
- Move up
- Move down
- Delete the selected scale
- Reset
- Hide xrefs scales
Command reference
Opens the Bricsys Help article about the SCALELISTEDIT command.
Add a new scale
Opens the Add scale dialog box.
Edit scale
Opens the Edit Scale dialog box.
Move up
Moves the selected scale up the list.
Move down
Moves the selected scale down the list.
Delete the selected scale
Deletes the selected scale. Press the Ctrl key to select and delete more than one scale at a time.
Note that the scale 1:1 cannot be deleted.
Returns the list to its original condition, adding back in the deleted scales and removing all added but unused scales.
Hide xrefs scales
Determines if the scale factors from xrefs are displayed in the list:
- Yes: scale factors from externally referenced drawings are not shown in the list.
- No: scales in the attached xrefs not in the current drawing are listed here.
Toggles the HIDEXREFSCALES variable.