Imports CSV files that contain sets of parameter values or else creates them from scratch.

Imports CSV files that contain sets of parameter values or creates them from scratch. Parameters are then added to the Mechanical Browser panel and to parametric component properties in Properties panel.
Note: This command can be entered transparently during the commands (‘designtable).
Options within the command
- From file
- Creates a design table by importing a CSV file (comma-separated values file). Make sure the list separator character on your system is the same as the one used in the CSV file.
Displays the Select Design Table File dialog box from where you will select the CSV file and open it.
Note: All parameters defined in the CSV file are created automatically.Note: Enter the MECHANICALBROWSEROPEN command to view the constraints.
- Empty
- Creates an empty design table from scratch.Note: Enter the names of the parameters to include in the design table or choose to add all parameters that have a constant value. The constant parameters do not depend on another parameter.