Applies a dimensional constraint to an entity or between constraint points on entities; converts associative dimensions to dynamic dimensions.

Select an associative dimension or else choose an option to place a dimensional constraint.
The associative dimension is converted to the dimensional constraint of the same type. This option is equivalent to the DCCONVERT command.
Options within the command
- LInear
- Constrains the horizontal distance (X-distance) or vertical distance (Y-distance) between two points with respect to the current coordinate system. This option is equivalent to the DCLINEAR command.
- Horizontal
- Constrains the horizontal distance (X-distance) between two points with respect to the current coordinate system. This option is equivalent to the DCHORIZONTAL command.
- Vertical
- Constrains the vertical distance (Y-distance) between two points with respect to the current coordinate system. This option is equivalent to the DCVERTICAL command.
- Aligned
- Constrains the distance between two points. This option is equivalent to the DCALIGNED command.
- ANgular
- Constrains the angle between two lines or linear polyline segments; the total angle of an arc or an arc polyline segment; or the angle between three points on entities. This option is equivalent to the DCANGULAR command.
- Radial
- Constrains the radius of a circle or an arc. This option is equivalent to the DCRADIUS command.
- Diameter
- Constrains the diameter of a circle or an arc. This option is equivalent to the DCDIAMETER command.