FITLINE command
Fits a line to entities.

Draws a line fitted to one or more entities. This command minimizes accumulated perpendicular distances to the points of the selected entities.
The FITLINE command works on any input entity type, so can be applied in various real life use cases. You can use it to draw a line which optimally matches a set of scanned points in the XY-plane. You can use FITLINE to find the optimal line that fits a multi-segment polyline or spline curve that goes up and down.
The command opens the Fit Line command panel.

The options in the FITLINE command are the same as the options in the Fit Line command panel.
The entities and the results of this command are shown in the examples below:

- Points used by the command to fit the line.
- Line fitted to the points.

- Polyline used by the command to fit the line.
- Line fitted to the polyline.
- Spline used by the command to fit the line.
- Line fitted to the spline.
Options within the command
- use Entire drawing
- Use all entities in the drawing as input.
- Fit in 3d
This option applies when one or more input entities do not lie in the XY-plane.
If checked, the resulting line is created in 3D space, otherwise the input entities are projected onto the XY-plane first.
Note: The XY plane used for projection is the one of the current UCS (User Coordinate System). This allows the user to make the fit in any plane.
- Delete original entities after fitting
- When this option is set to Yes, the initial entities are deleted.
- selection options (?)
Allows to choose a selection method. See the SELECT command.
Note: The options Use entire drawing, Fit in 3d, and Delete original entities after fitting can be set using the FITLINEFITARCMODE system variable.