Applies geometric relationships between entities, on entities, and on valid constraint points.

Constraints keep entities in a fixed position, such as perpendicularly or vertically.
Note: Geometric constraints can be applied to the following
entities and their constraint points:
Entity Type | Valid Constraint Points |
Lines | Endpoints, midpoint |
Arcs, elliptical arcs | Endpoints, center point, midpoint |
Circles, ellipses | Center point |
Polyline segments | Endpoints, vertices, midpoints |
Polyline arcs | Endpoints, vertices, midpoints, center points |
Splines | Endpoints |
Inserted entities: blocks, xrefs, text, mtext, attributes, tables | Insertion points |
- Horizontal
- Constrains entities or pairs of points to lie parallel to the X-axis of the current coordinate system. See the GCHORIZONTAL command.
- Vertical
- Constrains entities or pairs of points to lie parallel to the Y-axis of the current coordinate system. See the GCVERTICAL command.
- Perpendicular
- Constrains two entities to lie perpendicularly to each other. See the GCPERPENDICULAR command.
- PArallel
- Forces two entities to be parallel to one other. See the GCPARALLEL command.
- Tangent
- Constrains two entities to maintain a point of tangency to each other or their extensions. See the GCTANGENT command.
- SMooth
- Forces a spline to maintain fluid geometric continuity with another spline, line, arc or polyline. See the GCSMOOTH command.
- Coincident
- Applies a coincident geometrical constraint to two points or constrains a point to an entity. See the GCCOINCIDENT command.
- CONcentric
- Constrains the center points of circles, arcs, ellipses or elliptical arcs to coincide. See the GCCONCENTRIC command.
- COLlinear
- Forces entities to be collinear. See the GCCOLLINEAR command.
- Symmetric
- Constrains two entities or points to lie symmetrically with respect to a selected line. See the GCSYMMETRIC command.
- Equal
- Constrains circular entities to the same radius, or linear entities to the same length. See the GCEQUAL command.
- Fix
- Constrains points and entities at a fixed position. See the GCFIX command.