-LAYER command
Manages layers through the Command line.

Alias: -LA
Creates layers and layer states and changes their properties.
Note: The current layer cannot be turned off and
Options within the command
- ?
- Lists the names of layers in the current drawing.
- New layer
- Creates new layers.
- Make new current layer
- Creates a new layer, and then makes it current.
- Set layer as current
- Sets a layer as the current one.
- Rename
- Renames the layer.
- Color
- Changes the color of layers.
- Linetype
- Changes the linetype of layers.
- LineWeight
- Changes the lineweight of layers.
- TRansparency
- Sets the entity transparency factor between 0 (fully opaque) and 90 (fully transparent).
- MATerial
- Sets the material property for all entities on the layer.
- Plot
- Changes the plot status of layers.
- stAte
- Manages layer states.
- Save
- Saves the current layer state.
- Restore
- Restores a saved layer state.
- Edit
- Edits a saved layer state.
- reName
- Renames a saved layer state.
- Delete
- Deletes a saved layer state.
- Import
- Displays the Import Layers States dialog box, which allows you to import a layer state from a file into the current drawing.
- eXport
- Exports a saved layer state in the current drawing to a layer state file.
- turn layer ON
- Turns layers on that were previously turned off.
- turn layer OFf
- Turns layers off to hide their entities from view.
- Freeze
- Freezes layers so that they are hidden from view.
- Thaw
- Thaws layers that were previously hidden with the Freeze option.
- LOck
- Locks layers so that their entities remain visible but cannot be edited.
- Unlock
- Unlocks layers that were previously locked.