Opens the Library panel.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Opens the Library panel to display it in the current workspace. The Library panel appears at the same size and location that it did before it was closed or collapsed. Like any other dockable panel, the Library panel can be either floating, docked or stacked.

The Library panel offers a central location to access 2D and 3D block libraries.

  1. Block library
  2. Home
  3. Add
  4. View
  5. Search
  6. Menu

Block library

The block library is organized by categories. Select a category to view its blocks. Categories and blocks may be user-defined or pre-defined by BricsCAD. You can scroll through the categories and blocks using the mouse wheel or the scroll bar. The availability of pre-defined blocks depends on your license level.


Returns the block library to the home screen.


Opens the Add block to library dialog box.

Note: For information on how to use the Library panel, see the article Using the library panel.


Switches between grid and list views of the block content.


Searches the library for words that you enter in the search box. Only displays the components that contain the entered sequence of characters.

Note: You can remove the active filter by pressing the close button on the right side of the search box.


The Library panel menu enables you to control what is displayed in the block library.

Generate thumbnails
Generates or updates the thumbnail images of all blocks.
Manage libraries
Opens the Settings dialog box to change the library directory path.
Bricsys BIM library
When ticked, the panel displays BIM components. The default path for BIM components is C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V25 en_US\UserDataCache\Support\en_US\Bim\Components.
Note: The parametric components under Windows Advanced and Doors Advanced folders allow for greater customization and contain hinge markers to be displayed on 2D sheets.
Bricsys Mechanical library
When ticked, the panel displays Mechanical components. The default path for Mechanical components is C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V25 en_US\UserDataCache\Support\en_US\DesignLibrary.
Bricsys 2D library
When ticked, the panel displays the content of the 2D library. The default path for the 2D library is C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD V25 en_US\UserDataCache\Support\en_US\Blocks2D.
User library
When ticked, the panel displays the user defined components. The path for user library is defined by the COMPONENTSPATH system variable, which is by default C:\ProgramData\Bricsys\Components\.

Edit the COMPONENTSPATH system variable in the Settings dialog box to add more paths. User library folders are added in the Library panel menu, where you can control their availability in the Library panel. When the path list is empty, the default path is added automatically.