Pastes CAD entities from the Clipboard into the current drawing.

Note: Before you can use this command, first use the COPYCLIP or COPYBASE commands to copy entities from the current drawing, or even from another CAD program.
This command can only paste CAD entities into the drawing as entities.
When the Clipboard contains non-BricsCAD entities:
- Non-BricsCAD entities, such as raster images, are pasted as OLE entities.
- If non-BricsCAD text (including LISP and Diesel code) is pasted in the Command line, the program executes the text as commands.
Options within the command
- Rotate
- Specifies the angle by which to rotate the entities.
- Scale
- Specifies the scale factor.
- Mirror
- Mirrors the entities about a mirror line in a 2D plane.