Opens the Report panel.

Opens the Report panel to display it in the current workspace. The Report panel appears at the same size and location that it did before it was closed or collapsed. Like any other dockable panel, the Report panel can be either floating, docked or stacked.
The Report panel offers feedback for relevant commands including DMAUDIT, DMSIMPLIFY, DMSIMPLIFYALL, DMSTITCH, and all sheet metal (SM*) commands.
The appearance of the Report panel is determined by the REPORTPANELMODE system variable.

- Display grouping
- Report output
- Detailed items output
Display grouping
Specifies how information is grouped for the report.
- Sort by Structure/Message/Subentity
- Group by Message/Structure/Subentity
- Group by Structure/Subentity/Message
Report output
Displays command output.
Detailed items output
Shows detailed command output for selected item in the report output.