SETUCS command
Opens the User Coordinate System dialog box.

Opens the User Coordinate System dialog box to specify a viewpoint to use for the current UCS (User Coordinate System).

- Set the selected UCS relative to…
- Change view to plan view of the selected UCS
- Select UCS
- Planar UCS’s
Set the selected UCS relative to…
Specifies how the new UCS is set:
- Current UCS: Sets the new UCS relative to the current UCS.
- World Coordinate System: Sets the new UCS relative to the WCS. World Coordinate System is the default coordinate system when no UCS is set and it cannot be changed.
Change view to plan view of the selected UCS
Toggles whether the plan view is displayed when switching UCSES:
- Yes: plan view of the new UCS is displayed.
- No: the viewpoint does not change.
Select UCS
Sets the UCS to one of the following coordinate system. Clicking one of these buttons sets the UCS and then immediately exits the dialog box.
- Previous UCS: Changes the UCS to the previous UCS.
- Current View: Changes the UCS to match the current viewpoint.
- Set to WCS: Changes the UCS to match the WCS.
Planar UCS’s
Sets the UCS to one of the following standard orthographic views. After you click one of the options, the program sets the UCS and then exits the dialog box.
- Top: Changes the UCS to match the top view.
- Left: Changes the UCS to match the left view.
- Front: Changes the UCS to match the front view.
- Bottom: Changes the UCS to match the bottom view.
- Right: Changes the UCS to match the right view.
- Back: Changes the UCS to match the back view.