UCS command
Creates and displays user-defined coordinate systems (UCS) through the Command line.
Specify a new UCS origin through one, two or three points in the drawing or choose one of the command’s options.
Options within the command
- Face
- Aligns the UCS to a face of a 3D solid.Note: This option works only with flat 3D faces and not curved ones, such as on a sphere.
- Flip
- Reverses the direction of the Z-axis.
- Xrotate
- Rotates the UCS 180 ̊ about the X-axis.
- Yrotate
- Rotates the UCS 180 ̊ about the Y-axis.
- NAmed
- Creates, restores and deletes UCS names.
- Restore
- Allows you to enter a UCS name to restore.
- Save
- Allows you to enter a name for saving the UCS.
- Delete
- Allows you to enter the UCS name to delete.
- ?
- Lists the names of UCSs in the drawing.Note: Type:
- *to list all UCS names.
- name* to list name of UCSs that begin with name.
- name to list the UCS specified by name.
- Entity
- Aligns the UCS to a selected entity.
- Select entity for UCS definition
- Represents the orientation and type of entity defining the orientation of the UCS.
- POintcloud
- Defines the UCS based on the normal of a point selected in a point cloud.Note: Make sure that in the 3d entity snap mode category of the Settings dialog box the Turn off all 3D snaps option is disabled and the Point cloud nearest point option is enabled (see the 3DOSMODE system variable article).
- Select point for UCS definition
- Defines the origin and gets the Z direction from the point cloud normal. Accept or continue to define the X-axis.
- Point on X-axis
- Allows you to select a point in the point cloud to define the X-axis. Accept or continue to define the Y-axis.
- Point on the XY-plane with positive Y value
- Allows you to select a point in the point cloud to define the XY-plane.
Note: The Flip, Xrotate, and Yrotate options become available after accepting any of the options above.
- Previous
- Changes the UCS to the previous one.
- View
- Sets the UCS to the current viewpoint.
- X
- Rotates the current UCS about the X-axis.
- Y
- Rotates the current UCS about the Y-axis.
- Z
- Rotates the current UCS about the Z-axis.
- Z Axis
- Sets the UCS relative to the Z-axis.
- Move
- Moves the origin of the current UCS, keeping the orientation of the axes.
- World
- Switches to the world coordinate system (WCS).