Searches the assembly structure of the current drawing for 3D solids, mechanical blocks and external references within a component and applies the SMCONVERT and SMEXPORT2D commands.

BricsCAD Mechanical



The result of this command is a set of DXF files with unfold information saved in a user-defined output folder and sorted by thickness. Parts processed with command warning or errors are placed in a special folder. An HTML report listing all the solids in the assembly is generated. This indicates their statuses and links to the corresponding DWG and DXF files. The HTML report uses names of mechanical solids instead of their handles when possible.

Note: SMASSEMBLYEXPORT can be applied to mixed assemblies containing both sheet metal and non-sheet metal parts. It quickly sorts out non-sheet metal parts from sheet metal parts.

The solid classification is as follows:

  • Sheet Metal – solid is a sheet metal part.
  • Poor Sheet Metal – solid looks like a sheet metal design, user assistance and rework are needed.
  • Not Sheet Metal – solid is not recognized as a sheet metal design.
Note: SMASSEMBLYEXPORT can be applied to simple drawings with solids, to assemblies created in BricsCAD and to drawings imported with the Communicator for BricsCAD®.
Note: For optimal processing, set the IMPORTPRODUCTSTRUCTURE system variable to 2, otherwise mechanical components will be exploded to solids, increasing processing time.
Note: For optimal performance set the Visual Style to 2dWireframe.

Options within the command

Output folder
Specifies the output folder.
bend Table
Assigns a bend table used during the SMEXPORT2D call in the output process.
Dxf version
Specifies the DXF version.