SMUNFOLD command

Creates an unfolded 2D or 3D representation of a sheet metal part.

BricsCAD Mechanical



Select the base flange of the sheet metal part, specify a point in the drawing to place the unfolded body and press Enter to keep the unfolded body in the drawing or choose an option.

Option within the command

Opens an additional window with the model's unfolded representation. Both folded (left) and unfolded (right) representations have bidirectional associativity which allows transferring modifications to the neighbor model automatically when changing window focus.
Note: Tangent bends, jogs (with and without flange) and hems (all types, except closed hems) are also supported.
save 2D geometry
Saves the 2D geometry of the unfolded metal part as a separate drawing file.
From the Generic Save File dialog box you have to choose to save the drawing either in Drawing Exchange Format (*.dxf) or in Standard Drawing File (*.dwg).
save 3D geometry
Saves the 3D solid of the unfolded metal part as a separate drawing file.
From the Generic Save File dialog box displayed you have to choose to save the drawing either in Drawing Exchange Format (*.dxf) or Standard Drawing File (*.dwg).
Place view to layout
Places the view in a new or an existing layout.
Optimize bend annotations
Optimizes the bend annotations in the exported geometry.
Places the unfolded 3D solid in the current drawing.