SNAP command
Sets the cursor snapping properties.

Alias: SN
Sets the cursor snapping increments either by specifying the x and y values or between two points, the rotation and the style.
There are three methods to set snapping increments:
- By specifying a single value for both the X and Y axis.
- By specifying a distance between two points as a value for both the X and Y axis.
- By specifying the spacing independently for the X and Y axis.
Note: Independent X and Y spacing work only in the Standard snap style.
Options within the command
- snap ON/OFf
- Turns on/off snap.
- Rotate
- Specify the base point and rotation angle for the snap grid.
- snap Style
- Toggle between Standard and Isometric snap distances.
- Standard
- Rectangular snap distance.
- Aspect
- Specifies the grid spacing independently for the horizontal(X) and vertical(Y) directions.
- Isometric
- Sets the grid, snap distance and crosshair to the current isometric plane.