Modifies the properties of a spline. Converts a spline to a polyline.

Alias: SPE
Allows the modification of the fit data (fit points, fit tolerance, tangents at the endpoints and knot parametrization), vertices, the polynomial degree of the spline and the weights of each control vertex. Also allows the joining of the spline with an open 2D entity and reversing the direction of the spline.
Options within the command
- Close/Open
- Opens or closes the spline by adding or removing a segment between the start and endpoint.
- Join
- Joins the spline with an open 2D entity that shares an (coincident) endpoint with the spline.
- Fit Data
- Modifies the fit point data.
- Add
- Adds a fit point between two existing ones.
- Delete
- Removes fit points.
- Kink
- Adds a knot and fit point at the specified location on the spline which does not maintain tangent or curvature continuity at that point.
- Move
- Moves a fit point.
- Purge
- Replaces the fit data from the spline with control vertices.
- Tangents
- Specifies the start and end tangents.
- toLerance
- Refits the selected spline to the existing fit points using a new tolerance value.
- Edit vertex
- Edits control frame data.
- Add
- Adds a new control vertex at the specified point.
- Delete
- Removes a control vertex.
- Elevate order
- Increases the polynomial order of the spline (degree plus one) to increase the number of control vertices across the spline. Maximum value is 26.
- Move
- Relocates control vertices one by one.
- Weight
- Changes the weight of a specified control vertex then recalculates the spline based on the new value. Larger weights pull the spline closer to the control vertex.
- convert to Polyline
- Converts the spline to a polyline. The precision determines how closely the resulting polyline matches the spline.
- Reverse
- Reverses the direction of the spline; a triangle icon appears on what was formerly the spline’s endpoint.
- Undo
- Undoes the previous modification.
- eXit
- Concludes the editing of the spline or returns to the previous prompt.